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REPENT - awakenberus


I’m sure the American tax payers are sending in billions of dollars because Russia is highly non genius lol. Get your head out your ass

You should see what the russians are spending to counteract the literal crumbs of Western warfighting.

Those bradleys and Abrams were 2000 vintage lol. The ATACMS are so old they are nearly expired. 200 bradleys and 100 western tanks gave russia pause, but the US has 3000 of each, in much better condition than the 3000 rusted out hulks russia is pulling from it's storage yards.

The only saving grace for russia has been the wests absolute unwillingness to donate anything more than table scraps to defend the sovereignty of Ukraine, forcing Ukraine to make do with basically nothing, causing needless Ukrainian blood to be spilled.

Ukraine could surrender tomorrow and this war would still have been a huge geopolitical blunder by Russia.

Now if only the West could copy the Shahed and Lancet, and I don't mean whatever the fuck "switchblade" sells that has a pissant warhead that couldn't disable a tent but costs ten times as much as the lancet. I know a lot of the cost of western precision munitions is about EW resistance and "military hardening" but the US has the entirety of the airforce budget dedicated to removing point targets that prevent you from attacking whatever you want, you won't always need a hardened weapon system. The Ukrainians hit that naval headquarters in Crimea with one of their duct-taped together homebuilt drones!

In Russia several hundreds of thousands of casualties is genius.

There doesn't seem to be any reliable casualty numbers from the war. It's entirely possible there are more Ukrainan than Russian casualties.


I was thinking of the combined casualties. It's not something to celebrate to hurt so many people for the benefit of the thieves in the Kremlin.

Exactly, Russia has been “dying” for years now but there’s only one country crying in the media.

Russia doesn't have any media to cry in, so there's that.

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Yes, it’s what Christ requires of us

Main character syndrome

It’s most “articles” shared on here these days, low effort gunk

Isn’t Hebrew a dead language

What ?

Why iota show you a knuckle sandwich

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