Client side security is a niche tech field that seems to be unneeded for the most part. As someone who's very passionate about it, that's something that's hard for me to accept. After Shubham Shah addressed this topic in his tweet, I elaborate into the mixed feelings I have with this field, as well as present my take on the industry and most importantly, strongly argue why I think client side security isn't dying - but in fact is more crucial now than was ever before.
Snow JS gets a callback and passes to it every new iframe/realm that is born in the web app, thus preventing attackers from maliciously abusing iframes to attack the app
Abusing the Chromium Devtools Scope Pane can allow execution of Javascript by the devtools while the main thread is paused by the debugger! I used this trick to create a very powerful anti debugging technique library that tracks the flow of debugging done by the user and changes the flow of execution accordingly