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They aim for moonshots, even if one works (waymo, verily) it will be worth to run. Better spend ad money on this than on stock buybacks

And not everything it gives is easy to see on the bottom line.

I know of some great people (like "Best In Their Field" great) attracted to google to work on X projects. Then while they're there, they may as well spread some of their knowledge to other google projects. Or the tech developed there failed as a standalone product, but the knowledge gained folded in to another project.

Even if every "moonshot" project failed, it may have given benefits to the company as a whole. Though at some point I do wonder if the intent of google X projects is to fail as a standalone product, and just be folded into more core projects....

They criticism of x labs is not that they were insufficiently ambitious, its that they don't execute to achieve moonshots, they play the game to lose. Even if they had a good idea, they would not be able to take it to market, it was all a waste.

Is "AI-fuelled smart agriculture" a "moonshot" at this point?

I thought there were several companies selling fully working systems for camera-targeted weed/fertiliser spraying, right now? Including John Deere? And Trimble and others have things like precision GPS auto-steer for tractors for over a decade?

Seems to me Google has unlimited ad money, so people working there can make the big bucks without needing to deliver sales or profits or build a sales/dealer/repair network or set up a farm equipment manufacturing operation or anything else they don't feel like doing.

Stock buyback money goes to investors who can reallocate it to companies actually providing value to customers instead of wasting it on boondoggles.

Waymo hasn't succeeded yet. Their excessively slow scaling may yet be their downfall. And again, the project predates X. It's more like X came out of Waymo than the other way around.

This should have "Show HN" tag Also you don't have to use selenium or HN api - there are DBs with updated HN data

Could you maybe link me one of those? I've googled a bit but didn't find ready-to-use DBs with that data.

Thank you, looks promising.

It's handy but I think for your use case, the regular API works fine. For instance, you could have just pulled all the whoishiring posts


without the googling hoops. Not that this is very helpful after you're done!


Also the clickhouse dataset, which is free.

Google BigQuery can become very expensive.

Show HN is for things someone has made that other people can try and this is a write up which is perfectly fine as it is - https://news.ycombinator.com/showhn.html

> To post, submit a story whose title begins with "Show HN".

I'm not sure what you mean by that. Most reading material is just fine as a regular post and can't be a Show HN, thats very near the top of the thing I linked:

On topic: things people can run on their computers or hold in their hands. For hardware, you can post a video or detailed article. For books, a sample chapter is ok.

Off topic: blog posts, sign-up pages, newsletters, lists, and other reading material. Those can't be tried out, so can't be Show HNs. Make a regular submission instead.

Things that can't be Show HN can be perfectly fine regular HN posts, just like this thing already is.

Please don't use HN primarily for promotion. It's ok to submit your own stuff occasionally, but the primary use of the site should be for curiosity.

I don't know, 0 posts and two comments, first post with self promotion right away. I had a feeling it's not allowed, oh well

I'm completely confused here, sorry. Are you talking about this submission? People submitting their own work with their first post is totally fine, especially if they're around to talk about it. These are some of the best threads HN has to offer, often. The guideline is about not using HN to post your own stuff exclusively but it's, you know, a guideline rather than a mathematical constraint so the trivial case of posting your own stuff on HN for the first time is not merely fine, it's a good thing.

Edit: Maybe I'm figuring it out, is it that you thought that self-posting is strongly discouraged and that 'Show HN' is a label you're supposed to use to identify self-posting? They're not directly related, Show HN is just a special HN category with its own subsection and its own extra rules. Nobody has to use it but if you do use it, the post has to be within those rules. The other, somewhat orthogonal thing is that you can post your own stuff (in or outside Show HN), just don't overdo it.

This is similar to what I'm building! Are you also embedding everything and running clustering on top, with classification of clusters?

What do you mean no privacy-preserving way? The subscription is the one

"pay or okay" has been ruled illegal _on that specific site_ by the German Data Protection Agency: https://noyb.eu/en/pay-or-okay-tech-news-site-heisede-illega...

So why aren't they complying?

As mentioned in the article the site maliciously complied by (barely) changing the behaviour, which meant that the complaint has been renewed:

> Felix Mikolasch, Data Protection Lawyer at noyb: “It seems that the LfD's decision has already been overtaken by the latest version of the "Pay or Okay" banner. We will of course go back to the LfD and continue to fight this practice.”

It is not. By subscribing you uniquely identify yourself, with your real-world identity. Is is not necessary to use tracking cookies, when you log-in with your credentials.


Andrej Karpathy

Is there a way to work on this as a Software Engineer without completing a PhD? I understand just joining Google won't be enough?

Can someone tell me what are the direct implication of this? I often see "helps with a drug design" but I'm too far from this industry and have never seen an example of such drugs

We're this much closer to being hacked?

Cool stuff! I'm a bit surprised it's an YC startup, can you share your thought process or a roadmap? It sounds like a cool fun project and I assume you want to target creators similar to midjourney? Another question is if I want to have two characters in the scene I assume it's a bit more difficult with LoRA?

Thanks! The near-term roadmap is to build out better control over what's happening in the scene. That's the biggest thing holding us and some of the early users back from making the videos we want to quickly. Often, we need to re-run a bunch of times until we get a scene we like. The long-term roadmap is to build out a really fun viewing experience, where it's easy to remix characters from the videos you're watching. We do want Eggnog to be used by creators like those who use Midjourney. Two characters in the scene is more difficult -- it's not something you can do with Eggnog currently, but we will build that eventually.

Strangely I see the opposite sometimes: the work is not so bad but constant politics, management issues (and lately layoffs) are affecting mental health a lot. That still leads to the burnout when you're not interested in coding anymore even for a side projects

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