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Suppose O is the oracle for the halting problem.

We create a machine: given a program P, ask O whether P halts given input P and negate the answer.

λP. ~O (P P)

Now we ask whether this machine will halt given its own source code as input. In symbols:

(λP. ~O (P P)) (λP. ~O (P P))

which is the Y-combinator in lambda calculus.

aren't oracles, just attempts to escape the halting problem?

assume you have an O which doesn't halt

now feed P which DOES halt into O

oh look it catches it!

misses the boat

No, in fact you can use oracles to prove the halting problem.

For over a decade, the author of this video has been leading an effort to complete Super Mario 64 with the smallest amount of A presses, often using extremely complex strategies. Here's a 5h video with the history. Bismuth says the history video took roughly 1500-2000 hours.


The videos are old, but the blog series is new, Dec 2023.

This was fixed.

"In addition to targeting researchers with 0-day exploits, the threat actors also developed a standalone Windows tool that has the stated goal of 'download debugging symbols from Microsoft, Google, Mozilla and Citrix symbol servers for reverse engineers.'

The attackers used a 0-day but getsymbol is not one.

Yep, that’s what I said.

No it isn’t what you said at all. You said Google was calling malware a zero day and you believe them, but they aren’t doing this.

This is what I said:

> The 0-day is in a popular software package.

(I have no idea what this is.)

> The GitHub repo apparently contains a backdoor ability to execute code from the attacker.

(This is what Google says and I think it’s the autoupdater.)

Is this different than what you feel?

Probably because million is unambiguous. Billion sometimes refers to 10^12 rather than 10^9.

At least FreshDesk has an "occasional agents" option (users who are paid per every day they logged in).


Thank you! You're quite right that seems to match my description the best.

Unfortunately I seem to have amalgamated two different presentations in my memory then, so I'm still missing one. Similar ones that were good?

This is the only one I remember that matches your description. I also liked "Simple made easy" by the same presenter but it's a completely different topic.

David Beazley: Python concurrency from the ground up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MCs5OvhV9S4

Oh, Dabeaz has so many great talks. He has one of those teaching styles that can contagiously convince even the most Python dismissive person to start learning it.

Casually live coding any idiom even if the language didn't really support it. Definitely worth your time.

You need more than termination to protect against a denial of service; you need to know that a function terminates promptly. Most denial-of-service attacks are about functions that run slowly (e.g. O(N^2) or exponential).

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