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I think this is a good point. It might be because artists typically reject mainstream culture or that they distance themselves from it in order to comment on it.

Nobody at all guessed that this would happen.

That's because Canada has safety nets for people. They have affordable healthcare and places to turn to if you're out of work and need assistance. It's because Canada is a compassionate society. It doesn't take this down right mean attitude of a "f-u" you're poor because it's your fault.

I think it's a compassionate society only when compared to the United States. Not if you compare it to a place like France, Germany or the Nordics. Those places have safety nets that Canadians would find unbelievably generous.

Re: stock options or startup exit is akin to winning the lottery

save money, invest wisely and spend less

Yay, finally :=) That orange suite will go with the rest of him very nicely.

This is totally misinformed. When research is funded by corporations, we get ideas that are informed from the lunatic fringe that are based on nothing.

Not surprised by this in the least.

I’m not surprised it’s losing money. I would have been surprised if it was making money.

But I am surprised it’s losing it this fast.

I would think the silicon valley would be innovating here, but with the exception of a few that's not the case.

No money in this business.

Take a look at Pantavisor and Pantacor Hub. Open source and enables device fleet updates, device state management and more. Uses its own control plane and container runtime called Pantavisor that manages and runs Linux containers, and converts Docker container too.



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