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What about… GitHub, Gitlab, Gitkraken, GirButler (featured on HN recently)? The list goes on forever!

Supposedly they got written permission


supposedly the same

With Docker compose, there is a more idiomatic way to achieve this with zero dependencies using healthchecks[0]. Works well!

I used wait_for_it.sh for the purpose described in the OP until I found healtchecks could be used instead.

[0] https://github.com/peter-evans/docker-compose-healthcheck

Healthchecks are a great way to achieve this.

As this repository mentions, this is the example using PostgreSQL.

depends_on: postgres-database: condition: service_healthy

healthcheck: test: ["CMD-SHELL", "pg_isready"] interval: 10s timeout: 5s retries: 5

However, PostgreSQL has already a command for this called pg_isready.

How is this going to work for other cases such as MySQL?

> How is this going to work for other cases such as MySQL?

You could do a query like SHOW DATABASES as a healthcheck for mysql.

Interesting. And it works for external HTTP services as well, I presume, right?

A shell command, so curl would work

One thing I see missing from some other replies to your comment is a discussion of determinism. That is given the same input, always produce the same output.

Determinism is often valued in safety critical systems. The system can't work _sometimes_. The system can't even work correctly _eventually_. It must produce the desired result in the time allotted. Actuating the thing 20ms too late could be as bad doing it incorrectly depending on the application.

I'm no ML expert, but that seems to be a problem for those types of solutions in some spaces.

We’ve had some success with similar methods. In addition to the simplicity(it just “plugs into” the existing board), it’s nice to get metrics on the bottlenecks happening on the product side of things. If we can show that it historically takes 2 weeks to refine requirements, we can tighten up our estimates and shine a light on potential problems occurring there. If you only have metrics on the dev work, the more business-minded folks tend to focus improvements only on what they can measure.

I’ve also found that folding product workflows into the Kanban board gives the team more visibility and ownership over that end of the pipeline. We can observe how those items age before it ever gets to the dev team and swarm to fix things as a team earlier in the process.

I likeJitBit! Used it for a few years at my last role. https://www.jitbit.com/

Looks very nice! Might give it a try.

This is amazing!

I would love to have an AWS expert handy at all times, so I tried to upload all AWS documentation using this: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sitemap_index.xml. I can no longer use the site, so I suspect that busted something.

In hindsight, that was not cool and I'm sorry about it.

Most AWS documentation is on GitHub: https://github.com/awsdocs/

Heh. Looking into this and will try to fix. I'll comment here again when I can get this working!

I really like this tool (text-based, yes!), thank you for creating this! I'm working on creating estimates at work and it is a real struggle. Creating estimates with a range and probability is awesome because it reflects the uncertainty inherent in any estimate.

It would be nice if the system showed its work somehow. In addition to giving me comfort as the estimator, it's nice to show the person on the receiving side the my inputs and help them understand process being applied. I looked for some docs on this, but I couldn't find anything. At the very least, it would make a great blog post!

Another bit of feedback while I'm here. I tried using {1-2d} for days and {budget 10d} for budget. It seemed to work for estimates, but not for the budget. Looked for docs on the syntax, but I couldn't find it and it all the examples in the quickstart use hours.

P.S. I'd love to talk to you about how I'd like to use this if you're looking for more feedback / collaboration. This has legs!

Thanks for the kind words, I'm very glad you like this!

It would be neat to be able to "show work", but I'm not entirely sure how to achieve that in a way that adds enlightenment instead of confusion in the main workflow. A blog post about how it works under the hood would definitely be a good thing, though, you're absolutely right.

The "d" suffix in estimates exist only to keep older plans valid -- it meant "8 hours", but since not everyone agrees that's the length of a day, I removed it from the documentation pretty early -- before budget and spent tags even existed, so they never had it at all. We all pretty much agree on what an hour is, so that's the one true unit for now, anyhow.

I'd love to chat more -- hit me at info@doomcheck.com and I'll respond directly!

I’d be interested in discussing this more. I’ll shoot you an email.

After a quick search, I found pdfgrep[0] which sounds like one simple way to solve this problem. But I think it only runs on Linux.

[0] https://pdfgrep.org/

Not sure if you were one of the people who shot me an email or not, but I don't think pdfgrep captures the essence of the project. It's more annotations/note-taking/human labor review of pdfs than regex/search. Although that's not to say that OCR of the pdfs would not be involved - I'm a big fan of OCRmyPDF.

But this is also not intended to have any command-line interface. I can do it, but that's definitely not the audience I'm building for. Quite the opposite.

You can conditionally deploy resources by setting the count on most resources. So you can have an environment variable with something like has_cache. Then in your terraform use a ternary or something to set the count to 1 if has_cache is true and 0 if it’s false. I have done this without much fuss.

I’ve been reading the Economist digitally using their app for years. They had a few issues over the years - I think they prevented copy/paste for a minute. I was pissed about that.

But now I love the app. The typography is decent, they support light/dark themes, you can play human-read audio of every piece individually, etc.

I’m curious, what are your problems with the app?

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