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I /adore/ the italics. It's the major thing that keeps me on this font above all others.

Taskell is exactly what you're looking for! https://taskell.app/

It's a bit fresh and needs to be fully fleshed out, but it's functional!

this is phenomenal and I look forward to using it, has anyone done something similar for linux distributions?

argos extension for Gnome 3. Compatible with BitBar

Knowing about Argos compatibility is super useful! Upvoted.

The whole "come sleet or snow" saying that used to represent mail carriers really has no heat anymore.

The problem is the users. Facebook is popular because everyone is on facebook. Tons of new social media sites pop up daily, but not many people use them, so the herd sticks to facebook because that's where all their friends are. The best way to combat this would be through interoperability where a person could use facebook, but through another site. Not needing to be on facebook to use facebook is /directly/ in opposition to the companies business model though, so they'll constantly find ways to combat interoperability. Even sue against it.

I particularly love hacks like this. Use the system against itself. Open source exemplifies this, but this is yet another example of the technique.

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