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fewer than $6B

this is valid, the fbi had anom for drug dealers


the machines were not supposed to get tired

> We are on HN

xkcd lucky ten thousand

> a contender for the greatest game studio you've never heard of.

If getting 1 in 10,0000 right makes you a contender.

gp is probably referring to hollywood type of prop not the imageboard born type

probably got hired by the vendor

Redis is still 'free as in beer', unless you are operating a bar and want to profit off of the free beer someone else produced, then it's not 'open source', but somehow you can still get the source as it remains 'source available'.

Did I get it right?

it's .ch right?

at 60MB it is still one million downloads

I'm not trying to justify netlify, because it's pretty obvious all cloud providers have vile intentions here (even though they pretend otherwise): it's obvious that total majority of use cases for such platforms are toy or small-scale projects, and literally everyone in this market would prefer their website being shut down, rather than getting $100K (or even $5K) bill, BUT…

1 million downloads (= visits) is nothing for "going viral overnight"

wait, you're not running a linter on save?

No, since it DEFINITELY would look like AI generated it.

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