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Maybe just me but I think the title is worth changing to "Enabling macOS Apps To Be Uninstalled" to prevent ambiguity

There are weak references in Rust. https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/rc/struct.Weak.html

The way it works is, in order to use it you try to upgrade it to a normal Refcounted pointer. Since it is a weak reference, this upgrade may of course fail and in that case return None (in place of a null pointer). When this upgraded pointer dies (either goes out of scope or is manually downgraded) the refcount will again be updated.

Really excellent sound design! At first I was a little skeptical of the heavy muddy sound mix-wise but then when it broke up around 1 minute in it paid off more than well. Great track!

Thank you for listening! Good catch on the mix, I also noticed it after it was too late :)

Listening to it again, and I really like it. I do agree that after about 1:30 or so when it "opens up" it really hits its stride, and I go from like, yeah this is good, to wow yeah this is great after about 1:30. It leaves a great after-taste and makes you want to listen to it again.

> There’s no inalienable right to live in a popular place you cannot afford.

I agree, that's why single family households should have a higher property tax and high density a lower one. Currently single family households are subsidized.[1]

[1]: https://www.strongtowns.org/journal/2020/4/16/when-apartment...

But property taxes are local. Raising them only supplies more revenue to the local area. For the US, also, one needs to take into account many states have limits on property tax rates and revenue raises in general, such as millage rates have to be fully balanced with spending, which in turn, has limits. Excess rate increases will simply make those areas less valuable, which will push people to even lower taxed areas, which, at least in the US, are even more rural areas, thereby increasing the concern for climate change and a reduction in population density.

I switched late high school to exclusively use Colemak and have since. It's harder to reflect now about the difference of it as it have just became the new normal for me, but I remember my initial reactions after getting fluent in colemak was that: 1. for me personally it didn't improve typing speed significantly 2. It felt much more ergonomic. I don't move my hands as much. 3. this was an unexpected side effect, but I noticed how horrible the symbol layout is for programmers on the default swedish layout. colemak symbol layout is much more similiar to the english qwerty which is so much better.

The fact that there are a lot of standard behaviours (GenServer, Supervisor, Agent, e.t.c) and conventions followed makes this not such a big issue for me. Dialyzer is also a great tool which catches a lot of errors for me.

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