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Absolutely true. The article is a BS spewing BS.

It's pretty easy to post a link to a codebase and say "this is unreadable".

What do you find unreadable about it? What would you do differently now that there have been 30 years of software development between then and now?

In the games industry, we generally try to write code that can be maintained by an average programmer.

I would at least add more comments for context. Some teams have other ideas, like self-documenting paradigms with small functions and descriptive names.

If a typical programmer doesn’t at a glance understand what each line of each function does on screen, what all the variables mean, what changing any line would do, what is the usual data flowing through the function, and what are the limitations of the function, then it either can’t be maintained quickly and cheaply, or maintaining it will introduce unforeseen bugs.

But the key point is to not have a codebase that only a small core team can maintain.

If you want to see examples of the difference between this and modern in C-like code, see Unreal Engine’s source code. It will generally, at least in areas of frequent change, be much easier to read. I would expect a mid-level programmer to understand 90% of UE’s functions in 10 seconds each. And more experienced programmers usually understand most functions they’ve not seen in UE in a couple of seconds.

That’s not the case with Doom code. It took me up to 5 minutes to understand some of them. That means significantly worse readability. And I work in C++, C, C#, and other programming languages at a quite senior level in AAA games. So I don’t think this is a skill issue. It could be, of course.

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