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Yes - I question whether his statement that the US has the highest housing costs in the world. Australia is out of control.

Saudi Arabia might have had access to nuclear weapons for a while, as part of an arrangement with Pakistan.



It's a gentleman's agreement before Imran Khan entered the political arena.

Imran Khan leaned pro-Qatar, which irked KSA, especially because IK turned down joining Saudi's coalition in Yemen.

It was around this time that KSA began charting it's own independent course, just like UAE.

Saudi Arabia might already have access to nuclear weapons earmarked by Pakistan, as part of an agreement, when Saudi Arabia helped fund Pakistan's nuclear program.



“The clever combatant looks to the effect of combined energy, and does not require too much from individuals.” Art of War

I was trying to remember a Confucius proverb that applied to Linux. Or something from the Art of War?

Could they learn from the mining industry? Terrible job, long hours in the middle of no-where (in Australia) and poor family life, but the salaries and benefits are huge. There is no shortage of people wanting to work in the mining industry.

The difference is people don't die off or develop life crippling ailments (physical or mental) on the same numbers.

Commercial maritime is the equivalent of this for young south-east Asians.

It surprises me that this obvious solution is the one the government avoids the most. I would expect salaries to keep pace with the private sector. Especially when the cost of mistakes by a CEO (company goes bankrupt) is much less than the cost of a mistake by an officer (many people die). Might also stop the systemic corruption in the military AKA the revolving door between the military and private contractors.

2008 and Boeing CEOs killed plenty of people

The Vietnamese didn't need active participation from China or the USSR to win. It was seen as a war of independence, with a popular Northern Vietnamese government and a US puppet South Vietnam government, whose soldiers were unmotivated. The South Vietnam government only lasted as long as it did because of US assistance.

It is interesting to compare the Iraq and Afghanistan war (the US didn't militarily defeat Vietnam, and Korea was a military stalemate) with successful recent invasions. China invaded Tibet, and Russia invaded Chechnya, and Tibet is now part of China, and Chechnya contributes soldiers fighting in Ukraine. They differ from the US invasions in that they rebuilt the invaded areas, hence "winning the peace". The US also helped rebuild Japan and Germany, which was sadly lacking in Iraq and Afghanistan.

I would call the first Iraq war a success - the US achieved it's aims of driving Iraq out of Kuwait, destruction of the Iraq military, a UN resolution approving the attack, and wide support.

Contrast this to the second Iraq war and Afghanistan, where I agree the US was perceived as a bully. It bullied Pakistan ("You're with us or against us", war threats) into supporting the invasion of Afghanistan, and the invasion of Iraq was illegal, with France prepared to veto any UN resolution trying to legitimize the war.

> The US also helped rebuild Japan and Germany, which was sadly lacking in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Bingo! There would be no Taliban if USA made Afghanistan an unincorporated territory like Puerto Rico, handed out passports and rebuilt infrastructure / governance.

There was a plan for what to bomb, but no plan for what to build. Basically a huge waste of time.

I worked for a large telco, where we hosted all our servers. Each server ran multiple services bare-metal - no virtualization, and it was easy to rollout new services, without installing new servers. I missed the level of control over network elements and servers, the flexibility, and ability to debug by taking network traces anywhere in the network in my next job using AWS.

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