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This talk already happened but for some reason it's not posted. Very odd.

Slowness and memory bloat is the main problem of Thunderbird. I don't know what the cause is, but it is frustrating that there are no full-featured open-source mail apps that have decent performance.

Kmail's UI can be fast, but its IMAP support is so horribly slow and buggy at least for me.

kmail imap support was somewhat rough around 10 years ago, but it been totally stable for me ever since. i have push/idle enabled on server/client, it been working just fine. the only problem that i have it's when letsencrypt certificate rotated at night and at morning i get few hundreds popups asking to approve new certificate

The original headline is sensationalistic and referencing a specific language learning product so I didn't include it. But this is some interesting research.

Rather overstated. How you perceive the wavefunction has no bearing on how it works.

But it is a valid to be concerned about quantum woo which deliberately misapplies quantum mechanics to macroscopic ones and even the idea of consciousness, all of which is total bullshit.

I have a distant relative who is a religious fundamentalist who thinks that quantum mechanics means that his belief about the veracity of a faith claim is in fact the determinant of its truth. No surprise he likes Jordan Peterson.

I mean, it’s not ridiculous to posit a relationship between quantum mechanics and consciousness. Even Einstein and Bohr debated whether or not the moon exists when one is not looking at it.

This defeats the entire original appeal of Twitter, which was to avoid the ginormous walls of text that Uncle Rico would put on his wall talking about his love for Jesus.

Even the most rinky-dink banks have 2FA. Crypto is eventually going to consume itself once enough marks realize they will never make money from it.

Equating theft with a lack of 2FA?

Coins should have 2FA themselves. Without it, theft is obviously far easier.

Huh? That's like saying USD needs 2FA.

Wallets have 2FA, not coins.

Wallets are more like banks, except the user owns their own bank.

The issue with theft over the last year was primarily from rug pulls, bugs in contracts and things like phishing/domain takeover.

Don’t forget SIM swapping attacks which there are services, banks and crypto exchanges still accepting phone numbers as a 2FA method, which is ridiculous.

$3.8B in fraud from crypto out of the over 2 trillion worth of crypto transaction volume is nothing compared to the Zelle and FinCEN fraud with the trillions of illicit transactions allowed by the banks.

Coins could be made to require two different keys to perform operations.

Social engineering attacks getting people to divulge their private single keys are a huge method of crypto theft.

> Coins could be made to require two different keys to perform operations.

That's a function of the wallet, we call it multisig.

> Social engineering attacks getting people to divulge their private single keys are a huge method of crypto theft.

Correct and 2FA would do nothing to stop that. The same problem exists with Zelle in traditional finance. To the point that banks are no longer accepting Zelle.


Wallets do not have to have 2fa. A currency could force them to have it.

Interestingly enough, one of crypto's biggest critics, Elizabeth Warren, has also been after Wells Fargo for Zelle scams.

I largely agree with this. But one thing that better AI has revealed is that a lot of human performance is also bullshit. If ChatGPT can pass an MBA final exam, then this would suggest that MBA exams are not good at determining business aptitude.

And I think many people here have seen first-hand that this is true.

I've seen this as well. VCs are actually terrible at their investments by and large. They mostly use gut instinct or personal networking as their determiner of whether to invest in stuff.

That's a poor heuristic and it is why so many people continue to fail upward.

This is among the problems of capitalism. We act like it makes sense for the winners to decide about the resources (money, businesses) they've won because their success suggests they are good at administrating it.

What happens? They spunk their money on kids who are playing League of Legends during meetings.

I've not often been in an investor meeting where the investors asked smart questions. They send people who aren't equipped to think about what they're shown. They think DD means making sure your accounts can't be stolen by the boss.

It's also that good marketing of a product is probably more integral to its success than its engineering. There are so many stories of superior technologies failing because of bad marketing.

I agree that marketing is extremely important. There is no product without the engineers and no customers without the marketers. If you prioritize quality, I think the engineers are more important. If you prioritize making money, perhaps then the marketers are more important. I don't really know.

The problem is that in this particular case, the only things this person seemed exceptional at were being friends with the CEO and being unpleasant to work with.

IME at startups (well very small micro startups) you focus on quality at first, and wait for the company to go bankrupt. Then sell the IP to another company you happen to own. That second company focuses on marketing without having to worry about the ownership %'s afforded to the engineers at the first company.

GetProspect https://getprospect.com/linkedIn-email-finder-chrome-extensi... email extension for chrome is a cloud-based application that provides businesses with contact lists that include names, job positions, LinkedIn profile URLs, company names, and more. The application also helps businesses manage and track prospects, allowing users to collaborate with project teams and share marketing plans.

Good marketing would make a mediocre product succeed, but it will not save a crappy one.

Also, "superior technologies" is a loaded term, because it is in fact very subjective.

Lots of products literally don't work at all and still sell, and even lead their industry in revenue. I wish it wasn't true.

"Nate Fick, the inaugural US ambassador at large for Cyberspace and Digital Policy, on Saturday announced the hack of his personal account (not the government agency one) with - of course - a tweet. "

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