I've been a split ergo keyboard user for many years now. Seen a lot of people decide to go from a traditional keyboard to a split ergo keyboard only to end up hating it.
This is too big of a jump to make in one go, and the sudden overhead in the amount of new information your mind and fingers need to get adjusted to ends up overwhelming a lot of people.
When you switch to a custom keyboard like the one you did. It's not just a split keyboard you're switching to, you also move to a smaller form factor that has lesser keys, and an ortholinear layout which has column stagger instead of row stagger. It's most effective to transition by gradually moving to the next form factor only after you're fully comfortable with the previous ones.
In your case, something like the Kinesis freestyle would have been a much better choice for you.
I've seen tons of very active projects under Google's GitHub org[1] that have the disclaimer "This is not an officially supported Google product" so I would take a guess that they have a much better policy on employees participating in OSS than Apple does.
Would love to know more about your VR setup. I can barely spend 20 mins with a headset before the dizziness and fatigue kicks in, and this is when playing games! I can't imagine working with a headset on.
When I work, it's with the (n/x)real, when we have a tech meeting, we use the Quest 2. The xreal, I haven't had any fatigue or issues and I have been using it fulltime for a year. The Quest 2, I don't notice any eye/brain issues, but it's just pulling on my head (and I have the comfort straps and extra balancing out battery, but it still starts hurting my head after about an hour. If it were lighter and more comfortable and AR and have better battery life, I would probably wear it fulltime. Maybe the quest 3 although battery life is not going to cut it I am sure. The huge advantage of the xreal is that it's just sunglasses; they are very light and your phone (or external device) is the driver; I use a beefy samsung phone and it basically means I have easily 15 hours of screen time before it starts whining about the battery.