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Can't please everyone :P

How does this compare to BuildJet?

given that the landing page looks almost pixel by pixel inspired by BuildJet, I'd say the answer is "very comparable"

It's cheaper, for one

Does this link from the repo's README help? https://www.dropbox.com/s/c0n2dljz8anih62/CLOSURE.pdf?dl=0

Thank you for the attempt. On an iPad it’s only a small step up from GitHub. Dropbox’s renderer doesn’t load in all the pages, so most of it is blank.

We live in interesting times. Everyone wants to invent their own pdf renderer instead of letting the host OS do it. :)

I love The Search Space. Waiting patiently for new episodes!

Thank you! They're coming, I promise :)

Second that!

> Does this mean that it's more difficult to use the LSP from anything except VSCode?

Could be... we shall see when we try porting it to a second IDE. :-D

I was so focused on VS Code that I haven't spent much time considering the set of changes that'll be required to support a second client.

> I think the solution I would go for is probably to compile my language server with Wasmtime, bundle Wasmtime for every platform I support and then just run it through that. Then I don't have to cross-compile my Rust code, but it's still a fully featured language server on its own.

Bundling in wasmtime is a really interesting idea. Thanks for sharing!

Thanks for the compliment & the links! I hadn't encountered WABT before.

Great article; thank you for sharing! Wish that'd been written before we embarked down the exact same path. :-)

Also friendly heads-up that the second sentence under the Introducing WebAssembly (Wasm) heading might have gotten cut off.


Congrats on the launch! I work at Oso [1], also an NYC-based security startup but with half as many consonants and co-founding Sams. cue spiderman meme

[1]: https://www.osohq.com/

thanks!! we're running out of names for startups and people! hope we can peacefully co-exist. Spanish for bear and Portuguese for bone! fun :)

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