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I'm in the same boat. It seems very common for people to feel burnt out in their careers after the first 5-10 years. Trouble is that the economy seems so intimidating right now.

For me, regardless of the length of the holiday, the second I’m back at work it’s like I was never away at all (in a bad way). And I work from home.

You have lots of time.

my experience is also that numpy and pandas can add 1-2 seconds to python startup time (which is terrible for the testing experience).

It’s a great language for sure. I do worry about the bus factor though, especially given they’ve not had a major release since the most prolific contributor left after some community issues.

What were those community issues?

raku has hit some community issues over the last few years, from (justifiably) standing on the perl versioning when called perl6 and some other issues from time to time.

since the name change to raku some years ago, the tussling over the future of perl has declined to nothing

on the other issues, well many OSS communities suffer from falling out of individuals at times - all the same the raku commit unity is healthy and large enough to be making slow but steady progress toward the release of v6.e, with a lot of cool features already in preview

it’s a supportive and active community and i’d invite you to come over to Discord or IRC and say hi

here are the stats on git rakudo since 20 April…

_Excluding merges, 7 authors have pushed 133 commits to main and 181 commits to all branches_

I used this website to learn D: http://ddili.org/ders/d.en/

Yeah I've been using this too with Mike Shah videos


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