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- Bridges, how much BTC did we confiscate from Silk Road? > - 1,600 > - 1,000 you say? > - Yes, sir - exactly 800 bitcoins

top notch journalism, I couldn't stop until I read the entire article, not skipping any paragraph.

the whole thing is just an interview/dialogue, but it's incredibly captivating

also, you could make three separate movies on existentialism just with ideas from the article.

lastly - the interviewee, he must have such strong philosophical dilemmas

It is in fact a suspiciously perfect interview with a man who specializes in giving optimized impressions.

yeah, it's so simply written, but the most engaging thing i've seen in months.

I suggest sending the author of the article a note with your complements!

The article reminds me a lot of a Murakami novel.

I know marketing and website traffic is important, but: > title: "bus crashes"

> literally first sentence of the article: "getting into a minor collision"

Clickbait aside, here's the concerning part: "It's designed to stop.. and yield to the moving object..."

So basically it wasn't designed to avoid or back up, it was just designed to give way, which confused it when the trailer continued backing it up

It wasn't confused, it was just stopped - preventing worse damage to the occupants and itself. The truck driver was in error and will have to pay for damages.

indeed the links to the sections don't work for now and we're looking into it.

regarding the JS stuff, the site is built as an SPA and the blog is only one feature, the others are job postings and a personal dashboard where a signed-in user can pin their favorite jobs to keep them for further reference

It's also built using ClojureScript, Reframe, Clojure & GraphQL plus a revamped version launch is planned for mid-December, so I'm afraid the JS is still going to be there :)

Most of us know what it is built with and what is the point of this submission on your side, but thanks for the detailed explanation of your fault :)

haha maybe we did get a bit over zealous with the explanation

Yeah, when I was young and I found my comments every second under my forums posts too, trying to retain the meaning. That looked silly. There is always something you can learn as you grow up. (No pressure.)

We’ll look into it, but can’t promise much as we’re launching a new version mid December which should be friendlier across more platforms.

Hey, thanks for pointing it out - the first one we’re currently looking into as we’re using github style markdown, but the second one is fairly new.

We’ll launch a new version of the site mid December which will address the current issues. Iterating...

we're currently looking into it to fix it(we're using Github style markdown). meanwhile, we'll edit it to serve as a table of contents with no links.

Thanks for replying. :)

yeah, we reached out directly to Hemanth and got a written consent to re-publish as long as the attributions were visible enough - he is credited as the author, plus there is a link for the original source at the bottom.

As with all articles on our blog that are not written by us, the authors can reach out to us at any time if they want to make any changes to the article and we'll be happy to comply. As well, they can make the changes by themselves at any point.

Regarding the MIT license, we didn't think of mentioning it on the blog - but thank you for head's up, we'll look into it.

Wait, there's an undersea cable from NZ to Singapore to the Suez Canal? How many of these are in the world? The only ones I knew where UK to US.

Enjoy. https://www.submarinecablemap.com/

Per Isostatic's point, Ive not worked with satellite comms but did work on tracing financial transaction links all over the world. It al went by cable and I remember having the conversations about why we didn't use satellites. The latencies are terrible. In yet another life I spent some time working in Saudi Arabia, the compound had a satellite internet connection and it was terrible. The bandwidth itself was fine, but the delay between clicking something and getting a response was painful.

The main problem is that most current satellite communications goes to geosynchronous birds that are a long way out from earth. The low earth orbit constellations companies like SpaceX are working on should mostly avoid the latency issues because the hop up to the satellite and back down again should be only a couple of hundred klicks instead of the 35,000 km plus, about three earth diameters, out to GTO.

That's pretty cool. Never knew they're were so many. Thanks for sharing this.

It's even crazier when you know their size, yet they still manage to find them in a whole ocean and to grab the repeaters for maintenance.

I've heard this elsewhere too...but it still boggles my mind that in this day and age, after an airliner crashes in the ocean, it is so often difficult to find.

> Mason, the Harvard student, attends an event on campus with Facebook engineers teaching him how to pass the technical interview.

> Emily’s school has an informal, undergraduate computer science club in which they are collectively reading technical interviewing guides and trying to figure out what tech companies want from them. She has a couple interviews lined up, but all of which are for jobs she’s desperate to get. They trade tips after interviews but ultimately have a shaky understanding of they did right and wrong in the absence of post-interview feedback from companies.

This pains me every.single.time.

Being part of a specialized recruiting agency, I want to double down on how much preparation and insight before the actual interview matters.

Devs spend most of their time developing, not sitting in interviews, so every recruiter should spend at least a few minutes with every candidate giving them some heads-up.

Not like "for question 1, the answer is b", but like how to carry themselves through the interviews and generally what to expect.

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