Well there's a cost to that abstraction, e.g. you'd have to pass the context into the component, so every time you need to modify the component's schema/props you'd need to change it twice, both in the parent and the component.
You must have seen some huge React components with 20 different props or even more, and you'd need to think about memoizing those props to prevent a re-render, etc etc.
I've also been a web dev for over 20 years, and 10 years with React. I'd say that going back to native HTML APIs for handling stateful things like forms and form validation is a breeze, rather than writing components and endless abstractions. It's enough for the vast majority of the time.
Those are just shitty codebases. I maintain a React app that's over 10 years old, almost milion lines of code and we have zero components with 20 props, no issues with performance or whatnot.
I am an oponent of over-abstraction but components are very light abstraction and provide just sensible encapsulation and reusability.
I'm really curious too, the only codebase I've seen that was like their description with react treated different pages/routes as one massive separate component.
Not exactly utilizing the benefit of JSX but it's a pattern you might blindly fall into if you only came from a templating background.
I can't, our app is enterprise SaaS built as SPA. Nextjs is imho garbage. The only reason I can imagine it is so popular is that average React devs are indeed very bad with code organization. If I needed server rendering I would go with Astro + interactive islands.
I see, you're talking about a fully client-rendered SPA. I guess you can always count on your users running modern PCs, with fast internet and no SEO needs. Things aren't that nice in the outside world lol.
Having used HTMX and Unpoly with Django, for over 2 years now, I prefer using Unpoly more these days.
Unpoly feels just like Django, it is a more of a framework than a thin layer, but that means it comes with a lot of productive features built-in, albeit opinionated.
It covers 95% of the use-cases of a typical web app, with its layers and forms concepts. E.g. I love creating "subinteractions" with unpoly, where a complex process can be divided into smaller modal forms for creating the "related" objects of a model, which then updates the main form of the model itself. Unpoly makes these simple, and its documentation caters for exactly these scenarios.
The one thing I couldn't get past when looking into Unpoly is that if you're in a deeply nested modal/layer, and then refresh the page, it just shows you the most recent modal as a full page. My expectation is that when you refresh, instead it would keep you on the base page, and then wipe all the modals.
Unpoly by default changes the browser's history to the url of the modal. Thus when your refresh you'll get exactly that. You can modify that behavior with up-history, see here https://unpoly.com/history-in-overlays
You can set up-history="false" and there'd be no navigation when opening the modal, so when you refresh the page it'd refresh the parent layer not the modal.
What's more arguable I think is how pressing the browser Back button doesn't preserve the layers, but opens the previous page as a full page. I think that can be changed in a config somewhere, though.
Those are nice questions and we asked the same ourselves twice before we started working on this http://flyonui.com/.
Preline is a great library with its beauty. It uses Tailwind CSS utility clasess may lead to cluttered HTML with numerous utility classes, which can be a nightmare to maintain.
Where DaisyUI is the most popular component library for Tailwind CSS, offering a wide range of components with semantic class names. However many projects require interactive features that need JavaScript.
This is where FlyonUI shines.
FlyonUI builds on top of DaisyUI by integrating Preline’s JS plugins, offering headless, fully unstyled components that are accessible and responsive.
You'd need to re-invent the wheel on so many things.
Flexbox layout? CSS animations? Some custom npm library that I need to use to provide social logins, SDKs to integrate payment gateways? etc etc
If all you want is just a set of UI components, sure. We already have plenty of UI libraries out there.
These days there are many better ways to write low-JS, low-boilerplate code.
HTMX for interactivity, UnoCSS for generated CSS on the fly. It's even possible not to bundle your ES6 modules these days, with <script type="importmap">.
> Why we are discussing anything other than restricting the ability of money to interfere with our modern processes when it comes to "democratic health" is beyond me.
That's the point though, not that many people care about the implementation of a democracy, which itself is a form of democratic will (or the lack thereof). The problem with simply "more democracy" is we might end up with these contradictions.
People don't care much about the fine details of the implementation of their governance. In an ideal world, they would have voted in people who'd tear up these "money is speech" laws, but we live in a world where the average Joe only cares and are receptive to catchphrases.