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suburbs are the worst.

Natural noises have a rhythm that doesn’t stress us out and wake us. Methodical.

A busy road can mostly start to blend into white noise. Unless it’s absolute sociopaths honking in residential neighborhoods.

Suburbs though have leaf blowers that your asshole neighbor uses 2 hours before it’s legal to use it.

That noise is inconsistent, and it is the worst sound. Some people just suck though.

>> Natural noises have a rhythm that doesn’t stress us out and wake us.

Florida. Key West. Protected bird species. The parking lot roosters. Nothing methodical about them.

All code is either useless or unreadable

Hey, this currently has a bug but I want to share here.

The framework should be clear.

I’ve written a React pattern for writing interactive fiction using LLMs.

Here’s a demo with Taskmaster roleplay implemented.


Every helicopter gets a trophy

wait, the parents get a trophy?

Especially in the water I neither want the burden of being attached to something nor the burden of retrieving it.

The machine understands, we do not, and so it is not science?

Can we differentiate?

How do they compare on accuracy per watt?

And fine tuning datasets will be compressed and sent rather than the whole model

I dislike guns or arguments that because there are guns we need more guns. I expect we’re ideologically aligned on guns.

Except you’re supporting the point.

AI is more like the state with its army and high tech rifles than a predator with a pistol.

AI will deeply centralize power if computing resources and data availability dominate.

>> guns don't kill people. People do.

> I dislike guns or arguments that because there are guns we need more guns.

If people are ones doing the killing with guns, not guns in itself, it means that owners of guns are the ones responsible for killing. So it sounds like argument for regulating gun ownership. Like with driving license.

Guns make violence worse, so regulate them.

The prime actor in violence is a person, and that person still has the capacity for violence without a gun.

But let’s still prefer they don’t have one.

> AI will deeply centralize power if computing resources and data availability dominate.

I'm sure the compute resources will remain centralized, but I'm growing increasingly doubtful of the current data landscape's ability to keep the data "clean" and not prone to Hapsburg AI scenarios or threat actors working to corrupt this data.

Indeed. My love for reading went Gone With The Wind.

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