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It would be amazing if bioRxiv and medRxiv were included! I was curious how bioRxiv compared in usage/size to arXiv, and dug through the stats on each site. Both sites report paper download stats, and arXiv is about 12x larger (~50+ million downloads/month vs 4 million downloads/month for bioRxiv).

Interestingly, the sites have grown at a similar rate. Going back to 2020, arXiv had 25+ million downloads/month and bioRxiv had ~2.1 million.

[1] https://arxiv.org/stats/monthly_downloads [2] https://api.biorxiv.org/reports/usage

Adding submissions stats:

1. arXiv, ~21k/month

2. bioRxiv, ~5k/month

3. medRxiv, ~1.3k/month

It would be interesting to see usage of other _xiv's and other pre-print publishers!

[1] https://arxiv.org/stats/monthly_submissions [2] https://api.biorxiv.org/reports/content_summary [3] https://api.medrxiv.org/reports/content_summary

It's very powerful, I can enter implementations for any algorithm by typing 5 words and clicking tab. If I want the AI to use a hashmap to solve my problem in O(n), I just say that. If I need to rewrite a bunch of poorly written code to get rid of dead code, add constants, etc I do that. If I need to convert files between languages or formats, I do that. I have to do a lot more code review than before, and a lot less writing. It saves a huge amount of time, it's pretty easy to measure. Personally, the order of consultation is Github Copilot -> GPT4 -> Grimoire -> Me. If it's going to me, there is a high probability that I'm trying to do too many things at once in an over-complicated function. That or I'm using a relatively niche library and the AI doesn't know the methods.

Specifically for the US and Germany literacy results, I see a difference between these and past methods of measuring literacy. In the first link, the most basic sample question required the user to interpret a simple table. The second and third level questions required users to navigate websites, including a task of finding the correct link to navigate to the correct page of a site.

I think this establishes a great point that we have an ever changing society with growing demands, where we now need to consider much more than just reading words. Internet literacy is a huge barrier, and it’s great to see it getting measured and accounted for as countries continue to adapt education to the changing times.

I often see mistakes when chatgot is faced with more spatial reasoning, and I wonder if changes as simple as deep convolutional subnetworks in intermediaries layers would help the language model fit better in these situations. In short, I’m excited to see where things go, and can definitely see room for great improvement through improvements to the architecture!

I agree with your sentiment, and I am comforted by competition balancing things out. I think these price distortions are coming from companies with less competition (or they're just losing out on customers!) Most competitive software applications are offered for free (social media, web browsing, word processing) no matter how wealthy the users are, because nobody would pay more for an equivalent product.

This is definitely a good argument for encouraging competition and increased price transparency.

Apple produced a weather app and bought out a leading competitor. This hurts the consumer because there is a loss of consumer choice and competition in the space.

In a related vein, it's exciting that Apple is investing in Apple Maps as a competitor to Google Maps, especially since Google bought out Waze a few years ago.

I just tried IBM Quantum Composer[1] after reading through this Colab and finding I didn't know enough about quantum circuits to do anything besides clicking play. Quantum Composer gave me a super simple drag and drop GUI for getting familiar with basic circuits/building blocks.

I made it 20 minutes before having to look up a Bloch sphere (happens when you start experiments with 'S' and 'Z' blocks which add phase shifts). I don't directly use a lot of IBM products, and I had a great experience with this one!

Link: https://quantum-computing.ibm.com/composer

Have you looked into https://qiskit.org ?

Yup, from my understanding and experience IBM is by far the furthest and easiest to use. As in, I can throw up my python shell, write 20 lines of code, and that thing will run my circuit on a real quantum computer in the next 10 minutes.

Thank you for sharing this! I'm sorry it got taken down. I think it's great perspective to hear that the island party still happened this year!

I live in the US, and my experience is that internet is consistently fast in most places. Many locations offer 1GB internet plans, and the speeds increase every year. From a quick glance at the wikipedia rankings, it looks like the US internet speeds are about the 10th fastest in the world, and are faster than all European countries and Canada (more than doubling average speeds in Canada).

Competition is definitely a problem, especially in rural areas, and I'm excited for the increased competition from offerings like Starlink in rural areas and 5G internet in cities. Starlink is especially great in that it adds an option in many countries, not just the US.

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_Internet_...

It sounds like a potential GDPR violation, maybe you can open a case with the EU?

Maybe not OP, but someone in the EU should definitely send in a request.

I'm not sure why you are being downvoted, OP might be in the EU, unless I missed it they didn't specify where they are.

OP is a business customer, not an individual. GDPR rights apply to individuals, not companies.

Most likely a violation if they are not providing data export functionality to EU customers https://gdpr-info.eu/art-20-gdpr/

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