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The responses to your observation are hilarious. They'd have you think that the mass hiring by FAANG in 2021 and early 2022 followed by layoffs was a good thing. You accurately observe it as being screwy, which it is, but people are brainwashed into thinking it isn't - or is even a good thing.

It seems to me that the tech money people and executives have become nuts in the past few years. This, the YIMBY (really YIYBY, NIMBY) movement, /e/acc, the VCs going to war with San Francisco politicians (including the drunken threats from the current head of YC).

Never mind China, Europe seems to have had enough and even DC is having enough on some level. Not sure when this started, didn't seem to be at this level ten years ago.

I and others I know are against them, and we are like some of them were before their initial money raise - preparing for system design interviews, debugging from trace id's, studying covariance and contravariance. They really seem to be off in their own bubble of affluence. Not sure what year this started taking off - was definitely after 2014 at some point.

YIMBY is a very, very broad group of people who just see how bad the housing crisis is and want to fix it, and realize that a big chunk of that fix is legalizing housing that's perfectly normal in much of the world.

Don't lump us in with the out of control tech bro culture people like Musk.

Looks like "really YIYBY, NIMBY" was an attempt to narrow it down

They are saying that YIMBYs "really want to build in your backyard, not their own" which is nonsense.

That guy isn't really a YIMBY then is he?

Some of them do, or they're only YIMBY until they own something

I 'own something' and advocated for some apartments right down the street from me.

> The ICC document describes Israel as a "territory" and Palestine as a "State" (capitalised).

"...the territory of Israel and the State of Palestine" - the word and appears after the word territory. It means the territory of both. It is not just talking about the territory of Israel.

Also it refers to the names these countries use for themselves and which the UN uses as well. The official names of the countries are Israel and the State of Palestine. If Israel wants to be called the State of Israel as its official country name it would have to change its name to such, it has not.

> Among the G20, countries like China and Russia consider Palestine as a "state" but the UK, US, Germany, France, Canada and others do not.

143 countries recognize the State of Palestine. The State of Palestine is recognized by China and Russia along with other G20 members like Argentina, Brazil, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, South Africa and Turkey. Most of the countries in the world recognize the State of Palestine, the ones who don't are mainly in western Europe like the UK, Germany and France. As you say, make of that what you will.

How about Israel take them as refugees. After all, some of them still have the keys to their homes which were stolen in the Nakba.

I agree, you should be roughly 50-50 in terms of pressure.

You’re confused. The people of Gaza have always been in Gaza. You’re thinking about others who left Israel to go to Jordan, Syria or Lebanon.

I'm not sure that's historically accurate. Gaza was where a lot of Arabs fled during the Nakba and surrounding periods.

That cannot be true based on any logical thinking. It would be amazing if that were the case. That people fleeing in Nakba all said “we will go anywhere but the remaining unoccupied Palestinian territory”

That's absolutely false. Yes, there were Palestinians in Gaza before the Nakba, but the reason there are refugee camps and the reason UNWRA exists is to provide for the Palestinian refugees from the Nakba.

> Broadly I think Israel has the right ambition (the destruction of Hamas)

Well a few months ago Netanyahu sent the head of the Mossad to Qatar asking them to fund Hamas ( https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/10/world/middleeast/israel-q... ). So these endless massacres of Palestinian civilians by Israel (and effectively by the USA too) are happening for a pretty capricious reason, if that even is the reason, and I think it isn't.

Well the parent said there are no restrictions and there are restrictions.

The reader should take note that when those celebrating "the only democracy in the Middle East" shutting down a news organization, and blocking Israelis from accessing their web site - when they talk about Hamas and the political influence of Qatar - remember that Netanyahu sent the head of the Mossad to Qatar weeks before October 7 to encourage them to send money to Hamas ( https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/10/world/middleeast/israel-q... ). He did this because the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank was making peaceful, political headway in getting Palestine internationally recognized.

> Another is the low-paid jobs done without proper employee registration by immigrants.

Because construction, lawn care, and sweatshop jobs by immigrants is all registered in the US.

It’s all about the total numbers/math.

The “lack” of social system in the US that hides in the EU millions upon millions of people who don’t work for various reasons (ranging from not wanting to down to not being able to or not being employable) is definitely something that makes EU look better than it should. In many cases, they don’t even appear in the officially unemployed statistics, because they are so called social cases. At the same time, many of them also work “unofficially”, so they often end up earning more than honest people, while working much less.

Can you provide some numbers to back this up. This plot suggests Germany and USA have equivalent rates of economic inactivity (which is the term to describe what you are talking about). Some Southern European countries have higher rates, but this is cultural as much as driven by economic policies.

As opposed to the US, where the heirs who don't work live in mansions, living on the handouts of expropriated surplus labor time of those who do work and create wealth.

You just have no idea. We have banks run by the same families since before the US was formed. We have whole sectors of economy structured to protect inherited privilege and prevent upward mobility.

Take a look at any list of billionaires from the US vs EU…

Privatizing sovereign money creation was a heck of a trick.

And yet social mobility is higher in the EU vs the UK and US.

That's everywhere, not just the US.

> Isn't it just as crazy how much people care about Palestine when much worse atrocities are happening around the world?

What are the much worse atrocities than Gaza that are happening?

> Why do they care so much about just that one instead of the many others?

The US is centrally involved in supporting the slaughter in Gaza.

The Economist polled Americans if what is happening in Gaza is a genocide and the most given answer was yes. The US and Israel stand alone in the UN on Palestinian self-determination (other than US compact member Micronesia, and the 10,000 people of the island of Nauru). US and world popular opinion is against what Israel and the US government is doing.

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