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Alternatively, open a brokerage account and go through their process to enable options trading (essentially mostly a short quiz on how options work to make sure you're not an obvious liability).

Then either buy put options that are currently barely in the money (and will go further into the money once the stock comes tumbling down), or sell call options that are out of the money (or very slightly in if you can tolerate that risk) and will go further out once the price of the underlying goes down.

As with shorting stock, the risk for selling calls is technically unlimited (even though IMHO it's extremely unlikely that GME will go to the moon again the same way it did last time). With buying puts, your risk is the money you spent for the option. If the stock price is higher than the option at expiry, you'll have lost all of it. If it's lower, you can pocket the difference between strike price and stock price, minus the cost of the option.

>even though IMHO it's extremely unlikely that GME will go to the moon again the same way it did last time

FWIW, it hit about $320 during pre-market trading this morning, in terms of the price it would have been before the stock split in 2022. Currently sitting at $200, in those terms.

And apparently, sometimes, when you want to return to that walled garden, your keys to the front gate just don't work anymore.

In this case, that won't help, because `.box` is already a TLD and `fritz.box` has been registered by someone. Compare these two, the first is from my laptop connected to a Fritz!Box, the 2nd. one is from a server that's not connected to any sort of Fritz!Box:

Expected result, resolved by the box itself:

    $ host fritz.box.
    fritz.box has address
    fritz.box has IPv6 address fd00::e72:74ff:fece:6656
    fritz.box has IPv6 address 2a02:908:616:a8c0:e72:74ff:fece:6656

Result if for some reason, DNS resolution fails on the box (e.g. you're not connected to your own network, someone disabled the resolver on the box, someone configured a non-box DNS on your machine):

    $ host fritz.box.
    fritz.box has address
    fritz.box has IPv6 address 2001:19f0:6c00:1b0e:5400:4ff:fecd:7828

Your query results make sense, since the Fritz!Box is authoritative for the (local) .box tld. Try again with google.com and google.com. If you're using Windows, it should append .fritz.box to the former, which is the issue here.

> Does configuring a custom DNS server (like Cloudflare one) on your local computers solve it?

No. If anything, that'd make it worse. The issue reported in TFA is that Fritz!Boxes by default resolve the domain `fritz.box` to themselves for their admin interface, even if that domain has been registered on the public internet by someone else. If you configure cloudflare, you'll prevent that, which will _always_ get you the potentially attacker controlled DNS results.

There is a 2nd issue.

If you have a local machine called "myshare" and you mistype "myhsare", it may resolve to the attacker's machine.

> On an account I pay for?

On an account that you pay _Drew_ for. Do you also complain because someone renting you a garage doesn't want you running a strip club out of there?

This rings true. I remember the wooden toy biplane my dad made in his wood shop when I was a kid a lot more fondly than all the other bought plastic toys that came after it.

I use `aqbanking-cli` for grabbing transactions from my banks' FinTS/HBCI API and generate a CSV out of that. That CSV then goes through a bit of Python that splits up the entries into transactions. Those get rendered out as `beancount` transactions (but `ledger` works as well, I used that before I switched to beancount) and appended to my actual ledger.

I then use `fava` (a beancount web UI) to fix mistakes, and have another piece of code (this time written in Go, but could be Python/whatever as well) that takes transactions that are generated from my brokerage account and enriches them with data parsed from my brokers' PDF reports (since the FinTS/HBCI info doesn't contain stuff like ISINs or taxes/fees separately).

This is for my personal finances, but I used the same system (minus the brokerage stuff) when I managed the finances of a hackerspace in the middle of Germany for a few years.

OCaml can definitely do it (for example, you get a compiler error if you pass the wrong arguments to a `printf` where the format string specifies, say a number, but you pass in a string).

Rust can very likely do it by leveraging their `build.rs` stuff to parse and validate call sites of the registration and parameters.

Zig can probably do it with their comptime stuff.

In theory, Go could do the same (but that would mean special-casing the `net/http` handler registration in the compiler). At least `go vet` is smart enough to yell at you about wrong format string arguments.

If you use Acme from plan9port, you can use Ctrl/Alt (on PCs) resp. Command/Option (on Macs) to simulate chording. That's what I use when I'm on a laptop without my external mouse anyway. At some point, you get very very used to it and start attempting to use the mouse chords in other text entry boxes (such as the browser).

My solution to _that_ is to just write text in Acme always and copy/paste it into the destination when I'm done :)

That might actually work for me. Will give it a try.

Heh, I built something similar for my partner and myself: https://wine.unobtanium.de/ It's not very sophisticated (as we're not sophisticated wine people), but we've sometimes found ourselves standing in front of the wine rack in the super market (as I said, not sophisticated) wondering which of those we already had tasted and how we liked it.

There's not that much in it because it was put on a bit of a break owing to a broken server a while ago, but it's back up again :)

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