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Oh, there are kindred spirits here. I've recommended this on other tab-related discussions but Tab Stats is one of the few Firefox addons that have been worth using as a tab hoarder. Allows me to see which pages are open in multiple tabs and then deduplicate them if needed, or just looking at (or closing) open tabs based on domain.

(I'm not affiliated with the creator and it's not without its own annoyances, but still easily recommendable to anyone with thousands of tabs open)


I don't find it too tedious to go through and nuke things I know aren't useful long term (they're usually shunted to a separate throw away window for this reason!), but there's no easy solution for tab deduplication. What you've linked looks like it fits the bill!

Thank you!

Decided to try this out.

The instructions are mostly up-to-date, main thing that has changed seems to be that the multiple inboxes option is now under Settings->Inbox->Inbox type->Multiple Inboxes

I think my tabs mostly belong to one of two categories:

* Research about a subject (that I didn't close when I continued to the next one)

* "Oh that's interesting, I'll read it later"

I do remember that 10+ years ago I used to have a nice collection of bookmarks, each with relevant tags. Then one day I had to switch browsers due to performance issues, the new browser didn't support tags from the previous one so lost everything. Ended up just keeping tabs open after that and every now and then I just go through them until 500 or so remain.

For the "read it later" scenario I'm aware that there are a lot of services that try to solve that problem, none that I've tried just seem to fit my workflow.

I'm very similar to you... i even made a webext to help me find tabs quickly as i will tend to open a window do something and then open up a few tabs in that window and eventually minimize the window to dock. if you have a hundred tabs open across many windows you come into a situation of where did that tab go? now it's just cmd-shift-e and visually scroll through the list of open tabs and then click on the link to bring it front and center.

might be useful to you:



and open source too if someone feels like contributing:


Thank you for your extension; I'm a user and it really helps me find the tab in my Firefox "window-forest".

I'm a heavy Tree Style Tab user, though, and tree-state isn't reflected in your addon. Would you consider implementing the support (and maybe easy JSON export of the generated list)?

In any case, thanks for your efforts.

you're welcome... not sure if tree style tabs has an api i can use to get that information. i actually have a dump of tabs to json in an unreleased version i used for backup and restore but it's not live yet.

The tagging system is something I'm really missing from my internet searches, whether I want to organize short term or long term.

2333 tabs open (Firefox 75.0), split between three windows atm. Using ~3GB, about 50/50 split between main process and plugin-containers.

There's no clear reason for page to be on any specific window though. Usually I just end up with 15 pages open next to each other about some specific topic that I'm interested at that time.

Running quite minimal amount of add-ons. Tab Stats is one I'd recommend for people with large amount of tabs. Provides easy way to prune duplicates etc.

A lot of quality photos of old maps in one of the links: http://ftp.funet.fi/pub/sci/geo/carto/maakirjakartat/

For example a book of old maps dated to 1643.

This is an interesting subject indeed. Even though both of them are in the "try to grab as big portion of internet traffic as possible" business I wouldn't compare them that easily.

Cloudflare is actually rather good in doing what they do (DDoS side of things). They rarely break normal internet use, the only time when that happens is when a site is put into the "I'm under attack" mode that forces browser to do javascript proof. They do get huge amounts of traffic information though, but that is pretty much required to their core business (DDoS prevention, not the tinfoil kind)

Google/ReCaptcha is another thing. I have hard time understanding any reason to put captcha on any site that a normal incremental delay between login tries & ban sources that keep doing that for too long wouldn't already prevent. They're getting traffic data and ML training data and neither one is required for the thing captcha is trying to solve. Sites are just feeding their business and captcha is actually making the internet worse place for humans.

(Captcha requirement for things like posting on a discussion could be handled by simple spam/bot detection, captcha is just overkill)

As a non-chrome user things have been getting a lot worse lately. I've also noticed more and more pages using recaptcha even there's no clear way for bots to spam content.

Are people really that eager to send google all traffic information? Is this really the best solution? Couldn't one for example parse the actual content that the bots are trying to create and filter/ban them based on that? I believe spam detection is quite effective these days.

This whole captcha hell is making web really annoying for normal users and mostly just benefits google.

The Software Heritage [1] was mentioned in another thread today. They seem to archive source code from most of the popular locations, but Bitbucket doesn't seem to be on the list?

If Bitbucket is planning on actually removing Mercurial repos it seems like a good idea to crawl and archive those before that happens.

[1] https://www.softwareheritage.org/archive/

There's a great book about the thing you're describing, called "Drift into Failure"

Interesting topic. I haven't gone as deep in this rabbit hole but I've also written "similar" tool that I've used as a visual help [1] when reading programs written by other people. It's been useful in understanding bottlenecks and weird code patterns / dependencies. I've even printed the graph sometimes and written down notes on the paper, drawing circles around logical groups, etc.

I ended up going with separate color for each type / package.

[1] Screenshot of a simple piece of code: https://imgur.com/a/Pr9dkkd

Nice. I've been doing similar drawings a lot – on whiteboard, on paper, on tablet, a few times even drawing them to use as the argument in pull-request debates, because words weren't enough to show the point.

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