Is this move the reason for the random 403 errors I get from the tumblr rss feeds I follow? Since a few weeks ago, some feeds are disappearing then reappearing, sometimes they are unavailable for a few days, sometimes it's back the moment I refresh. If the move is in the future, I guess that means they have neglected the current platform.
You do not need a different algorithm for each real.
Just take the algorithm that proves the statement for rational p. It proves the statement for all reals bigger than p. (hence having as many algorithms as there are rational (countably many) is enough)
There are in fact 3 universities in Toulouse: Toulouse I-Capitole, Toulouse Jean Jaurès (used to be Toulouse II-Le Mirail), and Toulouse III-Paul Sabatier.
And since it would be absurd to have just those three universities they are part of a group called "Université de Toulouse" (formerly Université fédérale de Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées) which also counts a number of schools
I’m self-hosting Miniflux & use it in the browser or with Newsboat. It’s lacking a few features (namely the ability to give multiple tags to feeds for organizing/consumption), but ultimately it’s low-bloat & good on resource usage.
It fetches data from the public APIs of and From my point of view, inventaire is really great as it synchronizes with wikidata and is far better at not duplicating works or authors.
It has progressed since: IBM Condor (demonstrated in december 2023) has 1121 qubits.