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Why would companies take the time, money, effort to nurture when talent is readily available as H1bs? The mostly American shareholders don’t approve that.

Because it’s better long term for a company?

Short term thinking is why we are always on the knife’s edge of crisis.

That may be the original idea, but the focus on the worker and ignoring their lives and family is brutal. Moving between jobs or location is difficult. Going outside the country may land people in trouble. It’s not slavery, but feels like one at times. Of course, it’s a choice, but they do live as second hand citizens.

No, they do not, both because they’re not citizens at all, and that they’re still very highly paid, even though perhaps less than they should be.

I guess it’s not a good time to be a white male. I’m not one but it’s hard to ignore when in plain slight.

The important thing to realize is that “white” doesn’t mean everyone with “white” skin. Middle class kids from Ohio are “white,” and these race conscious programs and elimination of meritocracy hurts them. But the second or third generation Harvard folks aren’t functionally “white,” regardless of their skin color. Those folks will learn, through private schools and social capital, how to end up in top positions in this new economic structure, while they are joining in complaining about “white” people.

> But the second or third generation Harvard folks aren’t functionally “white,” regardless of their skin color.

Genuine question, does this applies even when they are “white” (Caucasian white)? Why is that or is there a subtext I am missing?

Yes, because race is a social construct. “White” encompasses many unrelated groups, from descendants of people on the Mayflower to Italian immigrants. But when elite Yankees complain about “white” people, they don’t really mean themselves, they mean southern or Midwestern whites. Essentially, they’re “post white.”

Post-whites will do fine under the new system, because they have the cultural capital to navigate the new rules. They know how to write a “diversity statement” that gets them credit for some human rights whatever even though they trace their ancestry to Dutch colonists in New York. But the kids in Ohio won’t have that cultural capital and social connections. They are still “white.”

Things have changed in India. In these top companies, engineers get as much as 1/3rd of the pay here. That’s relatively much better given the cost of living in India.

Well market dictates that if I am providing similar output, I should expect to get paid same or equalize the two levels at some intermediate stage.

Doesn't matter. Once appointed they want to keep the job, power etc., so they kowtow to the party in power.

Its unprecedented to fire a FBI director before their 10 year term is up. Only one president has ever done that, can you guess who that was?

When power is taken into account the federalist society is the most effective anti-rule of law organization in the US.

The federalist society is a lynch pin in the plan to gridlock congress and then rule from the judicial branch.

You can get the 2 year old S20+ on ebay for the same price, and P6a is no match for it. 120Hz, 12GB, sd card... P6a should have been a <$300 phone.

I mean this has always been the case - you're gonna get more bang for buck if you buy a second-hand last generation high-end product than a new mid range product. What you trade is warranty, support, and the risk of unknown issues due to the previous owner.

I'm happy with that risk so I often buy used electronics, but I can understand why other don't.

You'll get a brand new sealed S20+, for the same price

"dumbest people with connections end up as managers while the smartest get put into lower positions" That's the case everywhere, but the other side of the argument is that the managers are smart to use those connections for their careers.

The difference in Italy is that the managers were born into those connections, they didn't make them on their own. And the system incentivises this to an alarming extent.

In other countries, you can actually network and make a name for yourself, get promoted for hard work etc.... That doesn't really happen in Italy, the hard worker gets passed over for the lazy son who knows nothing about the business.

Most people are constantly trying to use their connections to advance their careers - That's not difficult at all.

The hard part is making those connections.

"infringing on our rights"...minority opinion. If it is a major concern, the senators who approved the procedures would have been voted out. Instead more of the same are being voted into power, which means all this makes the majority feel safe.

How can this make anyone feel safe if they won't even admit that it's happening?! Moreover, the people are forced to compromise on just about every issue when voting, so they naturally get swayed by marketing and personal priorities. Somehow I doubt that surveillance was much of a priority for anyone.

The other four minions in the five eyes don't need their own legal system

"5,000 to 7,000 years ago wasn’t the best time to be a male". Not now either. In a different way. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LrhHkQhglig. Of course, no one cares. Once we build a sperm in lab, we can get rid of men for good.

Go back to /r/blackpill. Hackernews isn't the place for this kind of thing.

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