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I am unbelievably skeptical to this and am having trouble believing this is anything other than quack stuff, but I don't have the personal skill or knowledge to make real sense of this – I'd need some real research presented rather than a marketing video. Anyone here able to help explain the head-zap-o-tron and how viable it is to a pleb like myself?

Absolutely fascinating if it works, though.

> I can't even imagine having a conversation with a friend anymore the way I used to in the 1990s and early 2000s.

I do wonder what you actually mean by this.

> Those who think social media has "corrupted" society are barking up the wrong tree.

There is clear, evidenced research around social media's negative effect on society.






> I do wonder what you actually mean by this.

Spoke to an old friend on the phone recently, for the first time in 10 years or so. Within a few minutes of the conversation, he had used phrases like "As a father..." and "I cannot stand by while..."

It was as if he were speaking to an audience, rather than to me. I was glad when the call ended.

I'm pretty sure that's the point they're getting at - that the original person commenting was talking about this stuff like it's just memes, in bad faith.

My apologies to the GP then, and thank you for the correction :)

It was popular because it was fun.

I use Hidden Bar too, it's done the job for me, but if there's a reason to hop to another I'm all ears.

If it works, then there's no reason to change.

I stopped using Bartender (because of the recent news) and noticed that Hidden Bar was last updated in Jan 2022 and Dozer in 2019. Neither have a way (or plan to have something) to handle the notch.

Ice still lacks some features, but the developer is working on it and eventually it will be able to work around the notch (if you have too many icons, they'll be hidden by the notch... not sure what Apple was thinking). That's why I picked Ice.

It's a minor nit, but I like that Ice doesn't force me to have extra icons in the bar. Unless I missed a setting, Hidden Bar required having < and | icons for separators

This comment is the first indication to me that they're actually separate products.

I advocate for accessibility and inclusivity constantly, but not implementing additional measures which are helpful to most due to some not being able to make use of that one aid is not the way to go. Direct your hate elsewhere.

It's a valid comment, you don't need to be offended.

I'm not offended. I'm curious if this person actually has an interesting angle on the article or is just grinding an axe.

It's also against HN guidelines to comment about the site itself instead of something substantial that promotes discussion.

Googled that head and I really don't get the point. Just get an L bracket and be done with it, surely.

It depends. For some applications, sure.

But especially when you're doing multi-row panoramas with long exposure times, preparation is key, and so is execution time.

I often do multi-row HDR panos. With brackets of 3 exposures each, the time for a single frame can quickly add up to 45s or more. In a 3 row, 5 column pano that adds up to a total exposure time of 11.25 minutes - net. This doesn't include the time between frames needed to pan to the next column (or worse, next row and 1st column), making sure you get enough overlap, align everything and finally tighten the tripod head knobs/clamps again.

Depending on the season, the usable blue hour may be as short as 15 minutes. That mean's you essentially get one shot at this.

So any gear that allows you to do that reliably and quickly, for example a panoramic rotator head with indexed degree stops [1], helps immensly with getting good results.

This is an example of a 2x5 "pano" with a 3x exposure bracket (20s, 6s, 2s) I took:

https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Federal_Palace_of_Sw... (Warning: Full res image is huge)

With 20s as the longest exposure, the chance of a car or bus driving right through my shot was huge, so I had to retake many of the frames, some even several times.

[1] For example the Nodal Ninja RD16-II Advanced Panoramic Rotator

My comment was not intended as a dig against that head. It's fantastic at what it does, and does it perfectly well. It's especially useful for zoomable images: take hundreds of shots with a tele lens and assemble them in one picture that one can navigate ala Google Maps. For that kind of image, handheld won't work because one has to make sure not to miss a spot.

But for simple panoramas, handheld + Lightroom is fine.

This is ironic in the same way that Alanis Morissette's song is.

Beautiful space. I'm sure it's a great place to spend some time.

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