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Elixir compiles to Erlang, I think.

Not exactly correct, it does have "core erlang" as a compilation step, but they both have that as a compilation step ultimately compiling to beam bytecode.

Correct Elixir runs on the BEAN.

Bun seems really compelling. I tried it out for a couple of small example projects and I like the speed and the fact that it combines package management and a JS runtime. However, I use Dependabot on most of my serious projects. I know work is under way, or at least there is some discussion in a couple of repo issues, for Bun support in Dependabot. I'm kind of holding off on using it until support for it has been rolled out.

We had the same reticence about Dependabot missing before we made the switch, but realised Renovate works with Bun and is a good enough stand in for now until support arrives.

Absolutely zero regrets, the cumulative savings across everything that is faster and the massive step up in DX is worthy of the hype.

Yeah, I had heard about Renovate supporting Bun. I guess I was reluctant to start working with another 3rd party dependency management system when I already knew how to setup and use Dependabot, and I assumed Bun support was coming soon-ish. But maybe the benefits of moving over to Renovate and getting to use Bun now outweighs the costs. <thinking-about-it>

I really like using Tailwind. But I mainly only use it for personal projects. I have some design and front end development background and I feel comfortable creating a design system from scratch. But, for professional projects I pretty much always use Bootstrap because it has a predefined design system that a lot developers feel comfortable with. I'm not quite sure why the Tailwind team has steered clear of having a prefab design system that gives you classes like `btn`. It seems like a major piece of the puzzle they're missing.

Even for a Teenage Engineering product, I have sticker shock over this and their field mixer. They're nice products, but the premium is so high. I mean, I kind of get it. Their original OP-1 remains the top selling synth after 10 years. And the product is much loved and used (at least on Youtube). But, for the price of an OP-1 Field you can get a couple of Elektron digi-boxes, with a bit of money left over. This is certainly more portable... but wow $2,000 is a bit steep. I mean, I still want it, of course.

Yeah, I have a BlueBox and it works great. You can also add tactility with an external controller like: https://intech.studio, and you're still in the ballpark of like half the price of the TE mixer. I mean, I still want one, though. LOL.

More of a landing page than anything, but... https://elliot.la

The animation gave me epilepsy on mobile, lol.

But nice idea.

Lol. Yeah, sorry. I'm not sure how well it works on mobile. I kind of wasn't sure if anyone would ever actually see it.

I agree with @tinco. If you're doing Ruby development that is not Rails, you probably want to create a gem with Bundler. I'd check out their documentation on the subject which has some good information: https://bundler.io/guides/creating_gem.html. I'd also checkout https://www.learnenough.com/ruby. I haven't walked through the course, but Michael Hartl has been providing Ruby related learning materials for a long time and is a fairly trusted name in the community. I'm sure it's solid.

I find comments like "I've been using <the tool> forever and never noticed <this> problem" a little annoying. But, I fall into this camp here. I'm not trying to dismiss other people's criticism that the slowness has had a negative effect on their workflow. But, here it goes, I use exa as my ls replacement and I've never even noticed it was slow. And, for me, the chief value really comes down to exa's color coding of results. It helps me see the information more easily which I feel has a cumulative effect of speeding up my workflow.

Yeah, no kidding. Nap seems like an ironic name. Punching up the contrast a bit would be a good idea

Okay, well figma one out and get back to us

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