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> It used to be that there were hundreds of stars getting rich. Now there's Taylor Swift and... I can't name anyone else.

Just becaus you don’t know them doesn’t mean they don’t exist. There are way more than hundreds of “rock stars” that are getting rich now. There are also way more “rock stars” now than there ever was.

The "rock star" era was a bubble, at a time of rising demand and limited supply. Digital recording has democratized music, tastes have stratified (thank fuck) and now there's so much supply people have FOMO over discovery tools not finding them optimal recommendations in a sea of possibilities.

On the other side, in the first half of the 20th century, artists were more likely paid a one-off pittance to come into a studio and record a song, and then the record labels profit from it to this day.

Music is worth less now because the supply is vast and the demand is relatively limited. Pretty simple economics. And most artists have always made their money from touring...while concert prices are more eye watering than ever.

Envoy config surely is complex, but it's also the most flexible and robust way of managing config on a large scale I have come across.

The way envoy lets you create clusters of envoys, then just setup their config to come from a centralized config source through a grpc connection is honestly the most sane way of managing thousands of proxies at scale I have found. Trying to push nginx (or any other config as a file proxy) updates at scale is a nightmare of its own.

We manage a large number of envoy clusters, where the state of how proxying should happen is all contained within a SQL database where the rules and records change dozens or hundreds times a minute. There is one service that's responsible for monitoring the DB and translating it to envoy configs, then pushing them out to 1,000s of envoy processes. It has been extremely reliable and consistent. For a given input, always produce the same output. It's very easy to unit test, validate and verify, then push the update.

Nginx, and Caddy I'd imagine, are great at set-it-and-forget-it configs or use cases. But envoy is a programmable proxy where you can have dozens of clusters with different configs that get updated dozens of times a minute. I don't know of any other proxy that offers something like that.

Caddy does (some of) that too actually. It has a live config API and support for clusters and synchronized configs and TLS cert management. It can also get the proxy upstreams dynamically at request-time through various modules. Some of the biggest deployments program/automate Caddy configs using APIs and multi-region infrastructure.

But where Envoy shines, it really shines.

Envoy is definitely a powerful & useful tool, we use external auth to centralize our authentication, I just dislike editing large yaml documents with 10 levels of indentation.

Also insert the standard HN comment of “I can’t believe it’s [CURRENT_YEAR] and this functionality isn’t part of the core platform itself”

> In Chinese apps, I can post photos, message my friends, order food, call an uber, pay transactions, all from the same app

I don't see how this statement says anything about UI information density.

This is just a super app with monopoly over the market. Last I checked (and it's been a while if I'm being honest) WeChat just looked like a custom launcher for other views/apps that all happen to be hosted and controlled by the one company. That's like saying "Android is super dense. I can post photos, message my friends, order food, call an uber, pay transactions, all from the same device"

Pretty sure Facebook or Google would love to be that super app for US/Europe/rest of the world. However, you'd probably shout "monopoly, lock-in, anti-trust, market manipulation" if any single vendor actually tried and succeeded in that. For good reasons too.

Funnily enough, heavily regulated industries are where PE and large conglomerates shines because they can centralize dealing with all the regulations and paper work. No private vet or dentist is gonna have a legal or accounting department to deal with that, nor do they want to deal with it themselves. It’s easier to outsource that to the major conglomerate that’s handling that for everyone else in the state or country.

> But if you hire too many of them, you can kiss some part of your bonus goodbye on account of not meeting quotas. How this is legal IDK

Because you’re literally pulling that out of your ass. Even the article you link never mentions that and mentions multiple times that there was no such thing.

Straight from the horses mouth, some 8 years ago: https://blogs.microsoft.com/blog/2016/11/17/global-diversity...

Quote: “Tying senior leaders’ compensation to diversity gains in their respective organizations.”

Yeah, because it’s bullshit. How would you even know the candidate’s sexual orientation? Even the article they link doesn’t say that, and mentions multiple times that there were no quotas. The most it says is “it seemed it would make HR happy” which as an interviewer I don’t know why I would give a shit about. Other than asks to throw another random candidate in the loop, which happens all the time for all sort of reasons, there is no more “push” because yeah that would be illegal.

If you think that an increase from 6.5% to 7% in Hispanic employees or from 28.6% to 29.7% in women is all driven by requiring exec approval for straight white men, then you’re delusional.

I don't know if the timeline of events supports that entirely. Match.com bought OkCupid in 2011. OkCupid didn't start becoming Tinder-like until Match merged with Tinder in 2017.

There was also very little changes made to OkCupid core functionality between 2011 and 2016. Most monetized features predated the match.com acquisition, though I think the price increased at some point.

Because they all used to be that (see old OkCupid, match.com, Plenty of Fish, etc), but swiping apps stole the majority of their user base when they came around and every app had to become another swiping app to attract users. 9 times out of 10, the person being approached is gonna look at the approaching person's pictures and "basic stats" (age, height, kids, religion, job, education, pets, smoking) and decide yes/no. So what's the point of all the other stuff?

Even during Windows 95 it was an old established policy https://devblogs.microsoft.com/oldnewthing/20051116-12/?p=33...

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