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There have been project that has been forked for these reasons. They never go anywhere because the people forking are not involved in the original community as dev.

As one packaging Go daily for a distro, this doesn't surprise me (though thanks God we are not affected, probably because we unbundle everything and the license for each lib is then verified). Contrary to the Rust ecosystem, there is no central repo location or Cargo.toml that easily allow to parse the licenses used. So no cargo license commands. For static binaries we build, we don't have the entire set of licenses because the chain of dependencies can reach up to 650 packages.

Fedora is planning too, but it's colliding with our project of having our own Matrix server bridged with IRC.

Same with KDE, but the Matrix wnd Libera team are working on it.

> We will likely buy a pile of them to do Fedora builds.

Do you expect a lot of things to break on RISCV?

Fedora have been shipping on RISC-V for about three years already. Last I saw, around 95% of packages work. The main exceptions have been thing that need some JIT that hasn't been ported yet -- gcc and llvm have been working for years.


Same for Debian, where the percentage of packages that build on RISC-V is second only to ppc64 out of the "minor" ISAs. https://buildd.debian.org/stats/graph-ports-week.png

I think it all boil down to manpower. Rust crates need a limited set of compat packages and have a way smaller ecosystem than nodejs. Node developers tend to use as many dependencies they can, resulting in hundreds of deps per app. Rust programs have generally less than 10 direct dependencies, and at worst less than a hundred indirect dependencies, so it is still manageable.

And for Golang, we try to unbundle, we have around 1,600 go libraries packaged. Some package are still bundled like k8s though due to depndency hell.

And this won't change with the Biden administration since he's been propped up by these very same companes.

I use Signal and Matrix with different usecases, Matrix being more a replacement for IRC and Signal for communicating with friends.

> there's an exceedingly healthy culture of blocking sites which themselves advocate oppressive practices

That's an issue, not a feature.

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