This sort of snarky response fails to consider the actual benefits - for both the employer and the employee.
Often by the end of the week, people in complex positions are well past the point of diminishing returns - pushing them harder may work in the short-term, but it's a recipe for burnout.
It's better to have someone operating closer to their peek performance for longer - even if you sacrifice a day overall.
As I've been working for myself, this is exactly what I've noticed. The exhaustion and stress of pushing myself "another day" for "just another feature" is absolutely not worth the burnout that comes immediately after.
2 days off for the weekend just isn't enough to fully recuperate once you're in the burnout zone.
I think if I were to be fired I would like to take 2-3 months off to build up before I started looking for a new job, but that's only possible due to having some savings I could tap into.
Back of the napkin calculations say I would need about $4,000/month liquid cash to not be in danger. Add another 1 month barrier in and I would need $16,000 on hand to take 3 months off assuming that I got another equally paying job almost immediately.
Who's the Bozo Doofus maintainer? I love that we can still see Unicorn in action. I rarely had problems with it back in the day.
I unfortunately switched back to Chrome last week after having used Firefox for years due to not being able to use sites I frequent. I constantly ran into issues with Heroku, GCP (go figure), and a few financial sites I'd log into regularly.
I remember hacking on the same Ruby projects as you, then running into you the same way in the Erlang world. Man, that was almost 15 years ago! You’ve built some awesome stuff along the way… congrats, and keep hackin’!!
I live in Vegas and it also sucks for all the local MGM employees that are getting called in to have to deal it. That said, I hope things get figured out and your trip goes well!
I'll be fine, thanks. The context from allenrb is that casinos have no value to society, so that eliminating them (and therefore all the related jobs) is not a loss to anyone. That includes the employees you are referring to in your comment, and without much regard for the people heading there for a vacation.
Less known for his equally interesting wartime work affirming the edibility of the vast majority of Southeast Asia and the Western Pacific's insect fauna. These days he would have had an alt-protein biotech startup.
$ Cognito received the following error from Amazon SES when attempting to send email: Email address is not verified. The following identities failed the check in region US-EAST-1: <my gmail address>