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People can market $1.50 hot dogs to me forever


> The founder of Costco told a CEO who wanted to raise the prices on Costco's hot dogs: "If you raise the effing hot dog, I will kill you. Figure it out."

and the $5 roast chicken.

They recently upgraded it too (leaky plastic container -> sealed bag).

The next generation never understands the wars that have been fought for them.

You mean they recently reduced their maintenance costs, and also their employee sick-days!

Not only are the hot dogs cheap as hell, they're honestly not that bad. It's not a gourmet hot dog or anything, but despite being basic they're pretty decent quality.

Yeah, they're still a hot dog, but they're somehow better than that mainstream Oscar Meyer crap.

Yes, they're delicious.

The burps afterwards are pretty gross, though, haha. But I haven't found a hot dog that has less gross burps. It's the cost of doing business, especially at Costco.

Except those apple chicken dog things, but they are not a proper hotdog.

This made me laugh out loud, because the first thing that came to mind when I tried to remember the last time I had a Costco hotdog was a Costco hotdog burp! And you're so right!

Now here I thought HP went out of business for being a trash company because that's what a sane universe would have dictated.

HP servers are complete opposite of their laptops. I today retired a 17 year old DL140 which was working fine.

Is their driver and firmware update section still paywalled?

Yes, unless you are under warranty or there is a critical patch release. This habit emerged since the 'strategic' merge with Micro Focus. I think they are, in fact, in charge with all software side of HPE.

Yes, and also they are not HP servers, they are HPE. HP split off the server division into HPE Hewlett Packard Enterprise some years ago. I have a very high regard for HPE products, not so much for HP products...

It was an "HP server" when it arrived 17 years ago :) Split happened in 2015.

It was not paywalled before. It's new for HPE. I don't know why they started doing it. Probably due to GreenLake (server renting) initiative.

Server line is not the same company AFAIK.

They split in 2015. The server I have written about is acquired in 2006.

To be clear, HPE (HP Enterprise) which sells servers and HP Inc. which sells PCs and printers are polar opposites despite their common origin and nearly identical names.

Yes, but that server is not an HPE. HPE split in 2015. We acquired said server in 2006-2007.

I have 10 years old Z840 workstation which I use as a server with quit fans. Built like a tank and works like a charm

The sheer amount of trash this will generate over a small thing like a TPM is something where a competent government would intervene.

"Getting stuff wrong" by not corroborating facts using reliable sources is not acceptable for a news organization.

You're right, but just want to dispute the claim that NYTimes is somehow Israeli propaganda - I think it's clearly not.

> The analysis found that, as of November 24, the New York Times had described Israeli deaths as a “massacre” on 53 occasions and those of Palestinians just once. The ratio for the use of “slaughter” was 22 to 1, even as the documented number of Palestinians killed climbed to around 15,000.

You could copy this paragraph verbatim into Manufacturing Consent and it would fit in perfectly.

They were told to not used those words because they are disputed and not consider facts, pretty sure they can and still use those words in opinion pieces.

Innocent until proven guilty etc.

Spouting off someone's talking points without verification makes you propaganda. It's just a question on if it's due to an agenda or incompetence. It's one of those.

Propaganda has to have intent, by definition.

I agree, but to be a "propaganda outlet" that intent does not need to be by the republisher. If some news outlet is just reprinting garbage without thought they are culpable for spreading someone else's propaganda through negligence.

Can someone explain how this relates to MoltenVK? This just removes the need for it as it's a native driver?

MoltenVK is an implementation of Vulkan based on Metal so that it can be used on macOS to run Vulkan applications. Asahi Linux is an in-development Linux distribution to make Linux compatible with Apple's M series processors. This specific blog post is about making GPU-accelerated Vulkan work on Asahi.

And I think the point is they will then be able to support DXVK to run Direct3D games.

This is for Vulkan on Asahi Linux on M1 Mac hardware. MoltenVK provides Vulkan on top of Metal on MacOS.

This is about Vulcan on Linux, not macOS

MoltenVK translates metal to vulkan. Metal is the main graphics API on OSX (and iOS). This is a native vulkan implementation on linux. The blog post itself mentions that as well. This can't run directly on OSX so it won't remove the need for MoltenVK.

I'm not sure what this comment is relevant to. Timelines is not "new"

The best time to follow GP's advice was when Timelines launched. The second best time is now.

It's relevant to all google services

At one point it was

Hoping this is a sign of recognition for the push back against Windows 11

Glad to see some work in this space. While I was doing my PhD all I had was https://datathief.org/, which usually did the job, but had some limitations and was Java-based. Definitely did some manual extraction from time to time.

Been there too haha! I wanted to do large scale data extraction from literature and manual approaches would have just been too slow.

If you're into this kind of thing and don't want a hardware investment, check out dexed which is free and multiplatform with VST and AU plugins available. It's ultimately the software that this post is based on. Check out this for the plugin and a bunch of patches


FM Theory and Applications: By Musicians for Musicians by Chowning is also a good companion book to play around with this with.

The posted solution is an entire groovebox, not just a single synth emulation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AkmqZVpW2Vg

I'm interested in FM. I bought Synclavier Go for iOS and use it on an older iPad. I also have it my iPhone (an eight). Cameron Jones was part of the development team. Anyway, Synclavier Go is amazing and only twenty bucks.

I'm not sure how you expect an answer when you don't define what things like "high performance" or "pretty slow and resource inefficient" even mean in your context.

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