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FIDO2 Security keys should be considered good "hardware tokens" now , more phishing-resistant than TOTP

There are fido2.1 keys with 300 resident key storage :


I don't think discoverable credentials on hardware authenticators are a good default pattern (even though requiring(!) resident/discoverable keys is the suggested behavior [2] by the FIDO alliance!?)

They have their uses for special use cases for authentication against local or otherwise non-synchronized relying parties or as a component of authentication protocols that aren't a good fit for native WebaAuthN (like SSH), but a regular old website can just ask me for my user ID (which is my email address in 99% of all cases).

Unfortunately, there isn't [1] a way to say (in WebAuthN API terms) something like "give me a discoverable credential if you have unlimited storage, otherwise nevermind", so as far as I understand, a relying party can only say "preferred" (taking up a scarce slot on a HW authenticator) or "discouraged" (making a platform credential non-discoverable needlessly, except on platforms that ignore that flag anyway like Apple/iCloud Keychain).

As an aside, that issue [1] having been closed without any accomodation for that use case fits with my anecdotal observation of the WebAuthN working group having largely pivoted towards the "Passkey paradigm". Hardware authenticators somehow don't feel like a first-class API concern anymore.

[1] https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/issues/1822

[2] https://github.com/fido-alliance/how-to-fido/issues/16

Interesting one, thanks!!

I'm kinda hoping Yubi come out with a version 6 with many more "passkey" CTAP2 slots too. Because I don't only use FIDO functionality but I heavily use the OpenPGP slots as well. Not for email but for other things (file encryption, password manager, SSH). Not planning to change any of that to fido any time soon either.

Small clarification: SSH functionality is a part of FIDO stack (if you meant ecdsa-sk & ed25519-sk )

Yeah, but without resident keys you’ll have to carry a file containing the key handle around with you from computer to computer (where you want to use the Yubikey-resident SSH key). And if you ever lose the file, your key is lost too!

This is because SSH doesn’t have a centralized RP model that’s kind of implied in FIDO and WebAuthN for non-resident keys.

In case anyone is looking for a desktop app to replace Authy, the authy-migration tool from token2 supports exporting TOTP seeds in WinAuth compatible format (use .wa.txt for export file name). Then in WinAuth (https://winauth.github.io/winauth/index.html) , just import that file.

An offtopic - since you mentioned hardware. It is better to invest in phishing-resistant FIDO2 devices and try to avoid OTP wherever possible.

ssh and pgp keys are not based on the similar functionality.

the keys from Token2 support *-sk key storage


But not PGP

Thank you for the reminder that ssh now has FIDO2 support!

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