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> AMD was (is) tinkering with a translation layer for CUDA

From what I understand, they dropped the contract with the engineer who was working on it.

Fortunately, as part of the contract, said engineer stipulated that the project would become open source, so now it is, and is still being maintained by that engineer.

> Raspberry Pi pulled a Henry Ford and boldly went with just one microcontroller... In return, Raspberry Pi ensured that everyone on the planet works with the same part. Compared to more traditional wide lineups, there is a disproportionate number of StackExchange questions, blog posts (including this one), experience, Github issues, libraries, and tools for the RP2040.

I'm not personally convinced. Most of the ESP32 series is cross-compatible (at least for the shared pinout counts).

I'd argue the brand recognition and marketing to hobbyists is more likely what brought the "community" around the RP2040.

Members of Congress & govt employees who can perform insider trading before the announcement with seemingly no repercussions.

I believe those are CPU specific, it disregards my AMD GPU. It's too slow a proces.

For what it's work, a sort of hybrid CPU GPU approach is giving me workable results with automatic111, about 30-50s to generate a 512x512 image ataround 1-2 it/s.

Not enough for me to want to use local-run txt2img for daily use (why, when Bing/Poe exists and give you high quality image gen for free in seconds), but enough that when I want some granular control or don't want to give my data to a company (i like making AI portraits of myself and friends), I can run locally.

If I could improve performance, I'd love to get into video production

I'm a fan of the term "toy", in a similar lens as "executive toy"

and even if you do go for the paid version, it's much cheaper too

Bitwarden also has an OSS backend that you can self-host.

> tiny personal website

I'd recommend just migrating to cloudflare pages or github pages; they're both free

This is a really great experience, but go in as blind as you can.

Is there a convenient way to print high quality keycaps, like they have in the example image?

Not a lawyer, but it's probably a bad idea to open-source something _after_ getting a C&D for it

Yeah, true. I'd definitely ask for legal advice before doing that.

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