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The highest priority is probably making real debugging tools. Right now, the only decent debugging tool is ghc-debug to connect to a live process, and doing anything over that connection is slow, slow, slow. ghc-debug was the only thing which was able to resolve a long standing thunk leak in one of my systems, and I know that unexplained thunk leak caused a previous startup I was at to throw away their Haskell code and rewrite it in Rust. In my case, it found the single place where I had said `Just $` instead of `Just $!` which I had missed the three times I had inspected the ~15k line program. ghc-debug still feels like a pre-alpha though, go compare it to VisualVM for what other languages have.

Also, I have found very little use for the various runtime flags like `+RTS -p`. These flags aren't serious debugging tools; I couldn't find any way to even trigger them internally at runtime around a small section, which becomes a problem when it takes 10 minutes to load data from disk when the profiler is on.

The debugging situation with Haskell is really, really bad and it's enough that I try to steer people away from starting new projects with the language.

Because Hasbro is in the S&P 500. There’s a constant bid wall from 401ks purchasing it.

LessWrong is, sadly, an example of a forum that got flooded with low quality content. It's been Septembered beyond recognition from what it was in the early 2010s.

Sadly, that figures.

Thank you for bringing me up to date.

Any other sites you'd recommend for thoughtful discussion?

Friendship is Magic was a legitimately good show. (Or at least Season 1 and 2 were).

Liquidity position "Silly JPEG"? Domain name "Silly JPEG"? Doesn't work. NFTs don't necessarily have off chain URL-links (Uniswap v3 positions). Most of the interesting uses of NFTs aren't about an image.

Curious, and you need not reply (so as to not break the streak) but your last 4 comments are each 3 to 4 years apart!

That article is from May of last year.

(I also just got the email that OP quoted.)

I did check their own site first. The lack of indication of problems misdirected me. They even have job postings still up.

You may want to take a look at hashcash[1]. It was a proof of work scheme for email invented in the late 90s, and they claim it was adopted by bitcoin[2]. (Sadly, it never caught on for its 'intended' purpose.)

[1]: http://www.hashcash.org/ [2]: http://www.hashcash.org/bitcoin/

Melatonin is amazing and has changed my sleep patterns for the better, but 5mg is a pretty big dose. I take 750mcg tablets.

Edit: Maybe wrong? see reply.

If I'm reading the sample implementation[0] correctly, the update mechanism isn't Omaha[1] (aka Google Update), but the CRX extension update mechanism[2] that keeps extensions and app bundles up to date.

[0]: https://github.com/agl/crlset-tools/blob/master/crlset.go [1]: http://code.google.com/p/omaha/ [2]: http://code.google.com/chrome/extensions/autoupdate.html

Omaha is a service which we ask questions like: "I've got version $x of $foo, what should I do?". We use it for extensions as well as the main browser update.

The CRLSet is packaged as an extension (it's actually a .crx), but with a custom install callback that delta updates the current version.

Uh, [0] explicitly refers to Omaha all over the place?

See e.g. this comment: // update and the related structures are used for parsing the XML response from Omaha. The response looks like:

Has some bugs.

So I was wowed by your maps and signed up to try the free account. I uploaded my world (I had to do it twice because the upload timed out once, and the second time it took several minutes). After logging in to pluto.minefold.com, it didn't put me in my world (My world's seed: -6543031652815246039 vs what the seed on pluto is: 1328309103 if you want to follow up)

Also, I'm hesitant to play on anything that doesn't have bukkit/WorldGuard. I'm not sure what your access control/griefing rollback mechanisms are. That should probably go in your FAQ.

Addressing a couple of your issues:

1.) Our uploads go straight to S3, so the first one timing out may (?) have just been a connection problem? We checked our logs and we didn't receive notification of the upload finishing. If you upload more worlds in the future and they keep failing, email them to support@minefold.com and I'll hook you up.

2.) The seed changing is a bug. We're working on fixing that now, but in the mean time if you send your username and the world to support@minefold.com I'll manually fix your seed for you.

3.) We've had lots of requests for Bukkit but were hesitant to support it because we thought it would be replaced by the Mod API. Now that it looks like the Mod API will just be Bucket, well… I don't want to commit to anything but it's something we're "investigating" :)

4.) At the moment griefing is controlled as all worlds are whitelist only. Only let your friends play in a world :) We're also saving snapshots every 10 minutes exposed a mechanism to rollback yet. I might sound like a broken record, but if you email support@minefold.com we can manually rollback your world for you.

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