So, things that are either impossible (touch events or vibration) or ridiculous (why would I want a website to know my battery level or directly access system hardware?)
Who said that we want native apps to be able to do that?
There are some use cases for those permissions but we (some) would like more control into that. I can't fight most of the websites as a user (they will tell me to use chrome) but it is for them hard to tell me if you want the service (along a billion other user) then move to android. Apple for a better or worse have much more sway than individual user.
Did “everyone” agree on and implement them, or did Google implement them and force everyone else in the WHATWG to play catch-up since they’re dominant?
I'd love to find out if anyone on the webkit project is aware of that part of the standard, and if so, the project's official position on it. I can't imagine why they'd oppose it.
As someone who works in small companies, and had to endure developers who were using gitlab as "offsite backup" or I guess "push-based 'does this compile?' workflow", please don't do this. CI minutes are rarely free, and for damn sure are not "glucose free". If you can't be bothered to run the local compilation step for your project, that is a wholly different code smell
If you hit a full second, that's just right back to the svn days where there was just enough friction people wouldn't bother to commit until everything was completely done, then the commit would often be too big to easily describe why things were done in the commit message.
why? what are the main drawbacks? I imagine the complexity, but can you go a little bit into the details for someone with only little frontend experience
Absolutely 100% yes. Difference is these projects themselves are obscure. Opposed to an official Google branded service that will see significant publicity.