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Probably refers to epistemology, a branch of philosophy related to theories of knowledge


This was the generally accepted approach nationwide in the past, until we realized it fuels systemic transgenerational inequalities, a bit like economic, racial, residential, etc. forms of segregation.

Putting a hooligan amongst decent people works, but only of the decent people can force the hooligan to behave. Most of the time, it works by just peer pressure, even in the positive sense. But for those who don't yield, a society at large has police. And a classroom does not have police.

So a teacher has a choice: to be a saint (and do miracles), to be the police (with hands tied though), or to be a victim. Sadly, many end up with the third option :(

Windows 10 home blocks the installer for some reason... Is this new behavior for Windows?

No, it's been happening for years. If "too few" people have run a particular program, Windows decides it's not trustworthy. You can choose to run it anyway, or wait for Microsoft to make it "trusted" (for niche programs the latter doesn't always happen).

I have been following my dreams for... perhaps the past 16 years, since late adolescence. It's always been a part of my makeup to chase after what seems most desirable while being somewhat risk averse. It's been a tumultuous ride. I've made plenty of mistakes, of poor decisions, I've tried many ways of living, I've been lucky and unlucky, I've learned a lot, I've suffered a lot, I've changed a lot. I've sacrificed health and relationships, spent resources aplenty... for mixed results. I can confidently say what make me happiest are my partner of eight years and my two daughters. I feel like I (we) built something nice to continue living carefully with passion.

E.g. I decided about two years ago to transition from Education (I was a special ed teacher in the private sector), where I hoped to develop useful tech for learning, to the world of Tech with the same goal in mind. I have always had an affinity for programming-- I have fond memories of making games (e.g. snake), bots, harmless trojans, etc. with the mIRC scripting language--, and an interest in solving problems related to the contents of our minds. I completed a few contracts in web development related to Wordpress (html, css, js, php, mysql) to get myself going, before deciding to learn a stack that would enable me to find better work opportunities or develop a learning product. I settled on React/Apollo/Express/Prisma/Postgres and have been working part-time on a flashcard web app eversince. I'm inspired by the likes of Duolingo, Anki and Quizlet, though I have a special appreciation for Lichess, among others. I wish to make it easier to choose/manage/share what one knows. I would like to generate revenue with this enterprise, but I'm unsure whether I will succeed. If I don't, I wonder how difficult it would be to find work related to what I've learned.

I received a notification, I had to open the app and upgrade for free by pressing a button. I have an annual family plan.

As far as I know, AWS is not an ISP-- it's a business, a bit like the one not selling cakes to homosexual individuals.

It's more akin to "no shirt no service". Parler can continue using Amazon if they moderate their platform, you can put on a shirt to get a cake. You cannot change your sexuality or skin color.

You can't moderate a platform if there's millions of people posting and only a handful of moderators.

Remember, AT&T is also incapable of stopping criminals from conspiring using text/telephone messages...and based on your logic the Feds could just shut down AT&T and blame AT&T for being "complicit". No obviously that's moronic. Wake up and stop giving our rights away. Eventually you're going to loose your own.

You can change your religion. Should amazon be able to tell to scram fx to some scientology church website hosting?

How could it easily be better?

A thousand or so vocal Facebook users found on anti-mask groups were surveyed... Not exactly the epitome of representativity...

94% of them say they will refuse to be vaccinated against COVID-19... Both educated and anti-science. Maybe their educational system failed them, or there are other important factors at play.

57% believe in a global Zionist conspiracy theory... 52% think the Illuminati are attempting to control the population...

Sacrificing oneself for a chance at exposing a story may not be worth the risk? We hear of anonymous sources all the time that make it, don't we? Perhaps there are other ways to bring on change.

I hope whomever you denounced doesn't consider you a threat anymore.

I hope you manage to overcome the PTSD. Seek help if you can, if you haven't already.

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