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I guess that they are missing for good reason? Web notifications? Sparsely useful, 99% is just some clickbait website trying to feed you junk. Thanks Apple! The website look cool tho.

One that stood out was the audio element being able to read the volume, but not set it. Apple has always had the stance that user preferences like this should only directly be changed by the user, not by an application. There are 2 convenient buttons on the side of my iPhone, there is no need for any website to ever be able to mess with my volume settings.

The website would not be able to mess with your volume settings. The implication of this choice by apple is that you cannot play two sounds at different levels, for example.

It looks like a good value for money, but immediately after registering, I get this reply

"After reviewing your updated customer information, we have decided to deactivate your account because of some concerns we have regarding this information. Therefore, we have cancelled all your existing products and orders with us."

Someone has a similar experience? I've tried it twice, filled everything truthfuly, valid credit cards etc. and no still the same.

There's a manual verification process if you contact support. Obnoxious that it's needed, but works for many people.

I haven’t faced this issue myself, however, lots of people from India and some other countries have this experience.

I’d assume it’s something to do with collecting recurring CC payments from Indian cards. That’s inherently difficult.

That would also be my guess, but I live in western Europe.

I got this when I first registered, contacted support and it was lifted in a day or two.

Hetzner has one of the worst customer support I've ever seen. Get really, really, faraway from this company.

The worst about Hello Fresh is the subscription itself, you get meals every week, unless you opt-out. Of course that you will forget to opt out at some point, so they just send you 3 meals of their choice. No 'Hey, we will send you this, are you ok with it or do you want to change it?'

Plus, the receipes aren't that good if you are an above average cook. You get something Indian and it is a gringo version of the real thing, even if the real thing is easy to do.

Or, there is a mistake in the recipe, such as an ingredient not appearing in the walkthrough. I subscribe to stuff like this so that I can cook without using my brain after being tired, not having to check meticulously every dish.

After two months, I happily unsubscribed. The scammyness aside, I do not see any advantage in using the service for how much it costs.

I tried Hello Fresh because of their "free" box promotion, and I have to say as a single person who lives alone, it was great to both have sensible portion sizes, and reducing the mental overhead of having to think about what to cook during weekdays, along the planning and shopping that comes with it.

It's nice not to have to eat Bolognese for 4 days if you make one, since beef mince normally only comes in 500g sizes and so on. I know you can freeze it, but you get my point.

That being said, I agree with the others that the recipes are quite simple, and once you know them it becomes just as easy to buy the ingredients at the shop and make it yourself.

Another disadvantage I've noticed is the amount of packaging, it can't be environmentally friendly. They ship perishables wrapped inside mineral wool with a non-recyclable plastic bag with ice, everything is in a huge cardboard box, there's tons of printed recipes and promotional codes printed on cards, and tons and tons of little plastic and paper wrappers for everything.

Not buying in bulk is always going to have more packaging. I bet the excessive amount is to prevent customer complaints about ruined ingredients.

Oh yes, I forgot about the packaging! It's insane, and also quite a bit of an overhead to dispose of it properly (where I live).

> you get meals every week, unless you opt-out

But that is what the subscription is about.

There are clear options under account settings to "Cancel plan" and "Pause deliveries".

shopt -s histappend together with HISTSIZE=99999 and HISTFILESIZE=99999 into your .bashrc should do the trick.

You say realtime feed, but at the same time use the websocket feed that updates every 100ms as your source. Am I missing something?

You are correct. When I referred to 'real-time', I meant it in the sense that it is as efficient as consuming data directly from the exchange's WebSocket because, during the consumption stage, data is directly consumed from the exchange, not an intermediate server.

Since Binance only provides 100ms diffs, there isn’t 'real-time' in the sense of receiving each atomic orderbook change. Thank you for your feedback, I changed the description.

`bookTicker` is realtime but the caveat is you will only get bbo (best bid and ask)

Whew! 100ms??

Ancient history.

Regardless of remapping, it looks innovative. Will try out, thanks!

I swear I wanted to smash my work computer being permanently molested by some xbox overlay when using some random shortcut. Wtf were they thinking?

I mostly use Macs, and without wasting your time with the details my CTRL-C equivalent in the Terminal is WindowsKey-C. Well, I was in Powershell on Windows 11 yesterday and needed to CTRL-C something and muscle memoried my Mac shortcut and it popped up some sort of chat GUI with no [X] button. What the heck is this stuff? Who wants these features?

I do have to say after much reluctance I upgraded my PC from Windows 10 to 11 and it's much more than a reskin. I even shoehorned it on my 4th gen i7 laptop and it's never run better. I'm looking forward to trying this tonight to get rid of some of the cruft.

If you don't have a video card, it takes minutes to change to Linux.

If you have a video card, it takes hours.

Still better than M$.

I dual boot (currently Artix) but the gaming experience is still best on Windows.

What is M$?

BTW what is it with recruiters being overwhelmingly British also outside of Britain (say, German speaking tech space)?

Whenever I see Linnaeus, I am accorded to this study of latinised surnames in modern Sweden and how they can be used to 'measure' social mobility:


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