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A chunky portion of those dollars were spent on buying and pre-ordering GPUs that were used to train and serve LLaMa

Yes, he got incredibly lucky that he found an alternative use for his GPU investment.

Google also does code reviews for some commonly used projects (or maybe that's part of the same thing? I don't know). I went through that last year with one of my Go libraries.

The idea is good, but the entire process is so bureaucracy-heavy and time-consuming that I found it both frustrating and entertaining in equal parts; like something out of Brazil (the film, not the country). So many emails, so many video meetings, so many people involved, so much talking. And all for looking at a 4,500 line Go library.

"Here's the code; just clone and look at it, and let me know if you find something"... It's not like you need my permission to do any of this *shrug*.

Brazil the country is also known for onerous bureaucracy

I don't think highlighting one mistake is enough, when these can sometimes have more mistakes than corrects. I've found use for LLMs (in large part thanks to your teaching) in cases where I can easily verify the results fully like code and process documentation, but tasks where "fact-checking everything" would be too much work are very much on the danger zone for getting accidentally scammed by AI.

That he still wrote "in prison for killing my wife Nina" when she wasn't his wife anymore at the time indicates IMO that he still doesn't get it.

Legally speaking, she was, since the divorce wasn't finalized.

I don't think that matters much. To all practical intents and purposes she was no longer 'his wife' and given that he killed her the fact that the divorce was never finalized shouldn't give him extra rights.

How is he supposed to refer to her? ex-wife is incorrect. By name doesn't provide enough context for people that don't know about him.

The fact is - he killed his wife.

> To all practical intents and purposes she was no longer 'his wife'

It doesn't work like that, though. My soon-to-be-ex-wife is still listed as spouse on our health insurance because I can't remove her until the divorce is finalized. I still have to specify her in many legals documents as my wife.

Even outside the legal field, many in my personal life consider her as my wife, go "call me when it's finalized".

That's besides the point, the question is whether you still think of her and refer to her as 'your wife'. And then extrapolate to the - obviously hypothetical - situation in which you murdered your soon-to-be-ex-wife and still refer to her as 'my wife' many years later. It's bizarre that this needs to be spelled out. This isn't a legal issue, it's a bit of insight in how Reiser feels about the person he murdered.

Well, in my mind, he is referring to the state at the point of murder. The fact that they were going through the divorce process isn't important here (to us bystanders, to the investigator it's a motive).

I think this is just bs for his next parole hearing tho.

I'd say that saying "my wife" makes it worse for him than saying "my ex-wife", maybe that's just me.

Doubly so because she's, you know, dead.

That's how I read it as well.

I wanted to have a way to type something in a meeting and display it to the person sitting next to me with as large a font as possible, so I threw together https://fullscreentext.com/

For most purposes a normal email with no signatures is fine too.

Bold of you to assume that the AI trainers would choose to not use material based on the licence.

Hardware keys are much cheaper than GitHub enterprise

I thought I recognized the GitHub username, you contributed to my GNOME Shell extension years ago!

Just wondering, what was the extension?

I remember porting numbers becoming a thing and I was born in 1989 so it must have been late 90s earliest. In Finland though, so don't know about north america

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