Nowadays I use github's packages registry. I used to run my own registry in the past along with the docker save method. But both of them are annoying to deal with. I have Github Pro so it's pretty much free. However even if I need to pay for it in the future, I'll probably do so. It's just not worth the headache.
I created it to play something during covid with my friends in video calls. Now it is still online, costs about 4€/m in hosting and is played by some people around the world. I would love to add some features (other player icon) with micro payments but I haven't found something which allows transactions with ~1cent. And I don't want to make it more expensive.
I think is the best solution between chat and forum. But they have the same pricing slack now starts using and that makes it unusable to keep knowledge.
Nice site. During the quarantine a lot of game which you can play with your friends over internet appeared, so I created a site to make it easier to find them:
I'll also add this site later today.
If everyone has build/played similar games, let me know.
A realtime multiplayer game to play with your friends. You will see an interactive map and a city name. You click on the map where you think the city is. When the time is over, the game will show you where the city really is and what the other players in the room thought where the city is.