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I have a different perception, really. They are promoting more the Reddit results in the last months and, at least for me, I'm able to find faster what I want.

Now it’ll be a matter of time before Reddit gets an order of magnitude more bots and spam.

Insomnia and Bruno has a feature to filter the responses using JSON Path. It's really useful.

I never noticed that small bar at the bottom of the response section in Bruno. That IS very useful. Thanks for the tip.

I am using TestContainers, what basically is able to run a Docker image of PostgreSQL, abstracting a lot of details. You can find a working example of this setup for integration tests using Go, testify and PosgreSQL here: https://github.com/dherik/ddd-golang-project

For Java services using MySQL, I was able to use just the H2 database (in-memory) many times. Does a decent job and it's very compatible with MySQL. If you try to avoid specific features from the databases, this in-memory database can do a decent (and fast) job running integration tests.

The whole point of the article is to make it _fast_: can you share how fast it is to spin up your database with TestContainers?

Running an "mvnd clean package" on a very simple Spring Boot app having 4 different spring integration tests takes exactly 8 seconds on my m1 max.

This includes a full build of the application, postgres container startup and spring context startup.

Starting the postgres container seems be less than 2 seconds of those 8 seconds.

Is that fast enough?

From the article:

  However, on its own, template databases are not fast enough for our use case. The time it takes to create a new database from a template database is still too high for running thousands of tests:

  postgres=# CREATE DATABASE foo TEMPLATE contra;
  Time: 1999.758 ms (00:02.000)
So no. They say this adds ~33 minutes to running their tests.

You can utilize all technics from article with the help of TestContainers. They will help with setting up DB and providing connection strings to running images

About Starcraft: I hope so

If it happens, I'm skeptical it will lead anywhere good. I don't want Starcraft with season passes and loot boxes.

It's better than any other alternative that I saw until now.

I will share what the changes that I did in my life to have a better sleep:

- 7-8 hours of sleep;

- Try to go to the bed at the same time everyday (for me around 22:00);

- Go to the gym (weightlifting) 4 times a week;

- Not have dinner after 19:30;

- Not drink anything with caffeine;

Oh yeah... I always prefer to use it instead of Windows XP

I think Elon Musk is planning to expand the features of Twitter and transform this social network in something bigger and not entirely correlated with we know as Twitter right now. We should expect some big announcements after this name change.

I'm just waiting for the vertical tabs support to give a new chance for Firefox.

Tree style tabs is a vertical tab extension for ff and the best ui around if you use a lot of tabs. I can't even use chromium vertical tabs anymore because they feel terrible in comparison. You can also fully style tree style tabs via css.


But then you get duplicates, since Mozilla made it a pain to disable the main tab bar. I'm using a Chromium offshoot (Arc) but I also like how Vivaldi handles vertical tabs. Firefox doesn't just compete with Chromium itself, but the entire ecosystem.

Does Vivaldi nest tabs yet? Its been a few years since I tried it but it didn't use to.

With TST, I can open a link as a new tab (middle click) and it is shown as a child of the opening tab. This makes it easy to minimise or close a whole tree of tabs.

you can stack tabs in a group, and when you're inside that group, new tabs are opened within that group, but not sure about the middle click for a single tab It also has a great alternative - workspaces, that helped me much better vs. the stacking, that for some reason didn't stick

I've had the main tab bar disabled for a few years now via some CSS tweak, so it's possible.

Eh? Firefox vertical tab support is much better than Chromium's in my experience. The chrome addons I've seen are hacky and clunky. It doesn't seem like chrome UI has nearly the same modifiability as firefox.

Edit: I use the Tree Style Tabs add on


Some books that helped me: Peopleware and The Manager's Path

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