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It's fascinating how someone can feel like they've been "raised by the internet," almost as if it’s a parent in this digital age. I'm curious to learn more about how that experience shapes a person!

The internet is important in my formative year, taught me a lot, including how to program. You could say that my intellect is formed by the internet firehose.

I would like to say that my experience is largely positive, but it's hard to say that without the internet, I would actually be more capable. There are many things that the internet does well, but building young adults able to deftly navigate the real world is not one of them.

That said, the internet once again is now a source of information on how to be a responsible adults. However, there's no doubt that the internet is also a source of toxic information without good judgement and ruthless filtering.

It's said in the same way as how the environment you grow up in shapes who you become, the internet being (one of) your primary environment(s) due to escapism or just amount of time spent in it.

I had way more conversations with random people on internet forums, IRC, etc. than my parents while growing up, and learned orders of magnitude more from those interactions... but they didn't feed, clothe, or house me so I would never claim I was raised by the 'net.

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