Would also want to know this, since one probably needs a lot of muscle to go through this 14 day períod, but those muscles would come from exercising, which also help reducing depression.
I feel this. Recently implemented a very trivial “otp to sign an electronic document” function in our app.
Security heard “otp” and forced us through a 2 month security/architecture review process for this sign-off feature that we built with COTs libraries in a single sprint.
Oh I know that feeling. We got in hot water because the codes were 6 digits long and security decided we needed to make them eight digits.
We pushed back and initially they agreed with us and gave us an exception, but about a year later some compliance audit told them it was no longer acceptable and we had to change it ASAP. About a year after that they told us it needed to be ten characters alphanumeric and we did a find and replace in the code base for "verification code" and "otp" and called them verification strings, and security went away.
To be fair, I would also be alarmed, albeit not by OTP. "sign an electronic document" and "built with COTs libraries in a single sprint" is essentially begging for a security review. Signatures and their verification are non-trivial, case in point: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=42590307
> I used to see an ex-NFL running back in the gym sauna. He could barely move most days before 30+ minutes in the heat.
This. Anecdotally, I know a retired NFL Offensive lineman. He is on a full NFL disability pension at 35 years old because of knee and shoulder injuries. Moving anywhere is very difficult for him.
> Would decades of squats, deadlifts, free weights/kettlebells ... to withstand most chances of hip breaks occurring
If you look at a lot of competitive athletes and bodybuilders, they tend to be pretty broken in their old age. E.g. Ronnie Coleman - former Mr. Olympia - could barely walk after tons of spinal and back surgeries.
Maybe you have the bone density - but if you are immobile with tons of joint and arthritis issues, it probably will not help.
Lifting weights doesn't mean trying to max it out every session. It's still "lifting weights" to go in and do a half hour of compound lifts with moderate weights. Most people can keep that up for a long time.
Yeah but what about people who are not ultimate freaks of nature like the rest of us? You can't look at a guy like Ronnie Coleman and say that's what most people can achieve with decades of squats, deadlifts and free weights. As far as I've seen, decades of squats , deadlifts and freeweights are super beneficial for keeping strong in your old age and actually reduce the likelihood of joint issues and also reduce the risk of falling.
Mostly state level here in the US. The feds just don't allow any type of gambling across state lines but otherwise leave it up to the states to regulate. Its actually a huge pain in the ass to deal with since there has been very little standardization of state regulations so far.