and the job market is likely to be flooded with even more people looking for fully remote jobs over the coming months. Should be good for some companies looking to hire remotely, but it will be tough time for job-seekers.
I've commented below that I have tried playing some lateral thinking games with chatGPT and I have found it to be pretty poor at understanding what is going on when it has limited information/context to work with.
I had played around with implementing chatGTP as a bot player on my "dark stories" app: but I found that it wasn't close to even an average human player when it came to the skills needed to play either role in the game.
Oh absolutely a fair criticism! Personally I've all but stopped using ChatGPT (I used it six times in the last seven days before today, and two of them were for the same question about GitHub Markdown) because it's just too unreliable. But I really resent the preprint being given as evidence for ChatGPT's disutility, because it's simply bad evidence.