In Indian epic of Mahabharata, there is story of Abhimanyu who learns how to defeat a military strategy in the womb, while his father was telling it to his mother. Which he later uses in epic war.
> In Indian epic of Mahabharata, there is story of Abhimanyu who learns how to defeat a military strategy in the womb, while his father was telling it to his mother. Which he later uses in epic war.
Gay committed plagiarism but didn't "steal" her ideas or fabricate quotes to support them. She absolutely should've resigned and is unfit to lead an academic institution but falsifying cancer research data is on a whole other level than lifting quotes.
Prepare for downvotes and rebuttals if you say anything that even remotely disparages Harvard University on HN.
Personally, I think it's quite scandalous that Harvard gave the world's most famous sex-trafficker his own office. I mean, that's the last person on Earth you'd want to give access to a steady supply of young girls and boys, but that's exactly what Harvard did.
And I've been told that we're not supposed to hold Harvard accountable because nobody knew what Epstein was doing... The heads of one of the world's most prestigious universities were all too naive to realize what was going on. Perhaps they thought the girls at his parties were just really friendly? Or perhaps they don't want to admit to anything they'd be legally liable for?
You are missing couple of points : awareness of such tool, downloading of huge archives, and strong collection interest in people. I know people who.str happy to play Mario look-alike.js game instead of figuring out retroarch.
Last point : flash games peaked when rest of the world didn't have very fast interest. Only 0.1% had it or interested in it
That explains why Africa and parts of Asia are not on the charts. But it definitely doesn't explain Europe. I don't know how much you know about Europe, but it certainly that third-world country you're making it out to be when Flash peaked....