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All of the cool e-ink projects I want to do fall apart when I'm reminded of the cost of e-ink panels.

What was the name of the eink computer that was on here last week? I can't find it back for the life of me. I desperately want a flat white display for work. Reading technical grant proposals on a regular screen is killing my eyes.

Yeah I keep checking the prices of them to see if they come down but nope. Meanwhile you can get a touch tft 3.5" for like a dollar.

Yes, but a lossy copy.

Why would it have to be lossy? There are lots of modulation methods for digital data over an analog carrier.

It's not clear how datetime was used and why that became a weakness? Doesn't it improve the password security by taking some bytes from /dev/random and salting it with <timestamp>?

The roboform password manager used datetime value as the seed of the pseudorandom generator, meaning that it would always generate the same password if the system clock time was the same. They managed to crack the wallet by reverse engineering the password manager and feeding its pseudonumber generator all datetime values between certain dates that were thought to be near the time when the original wallet owner had generated the password.

yes so knowing the datetime that was used to salt reduces the search space.

Salt is not the same as seed.

you're right. too late to edit now though

As they say, during a gold rush sell shovels. NVIDIA has an excellent shovel.

However I do notice that big players (GOOG, Meta, etc), seem more concerned with power cost right now than they do per-unit video cards.

One of the best ways of saving on power is to buy ever more efficient chips. With each generation of chips, perf/watt increases.

The OP says he "persuaded them to be better people" but only offers up one example of urging a landlord to offer a tenant money to move which he calls a "radical approach".

OP calls it radical because he knows nothing about being a landlord or probably even owning a house.

It's actually an extremely common approach, not radical it all. It's called "cash for keys" and every landlord knows about it and many of them are forced to use it, and there was probably going to be 2 or 3 people suggesting it below OPs comment.

He also says incorrectly "spare you the $3k" lawsuit. What lawsuit? Filing eviction with the sheriff isn't a lawsuit. Just FUD.

Just people lying on the internet and then writing a "please clap" blog post.

If you want to get involved and help tenants then volunteer at a tenant's advocacy group in your state or city. These places do a lot to actually help tenants from predatory landlords.

Something about the article doesn't pass the smell test. Maybe it's the attention seeking wording or something else.

It is literally a person blogging about their reddit posts, and bragging about their astroturfing.

Huh? You mean facebook posts?

yeah, I get them mixed up.

How exactly?

It was a fun distraction. That you for share!

Yeah, I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would.

Listen I don't like the ring of it either but we need less engineers building adtech and more engineers building drones and bombs.

All of our rivals have absolutely no qualms about using AI or other advanced technology to build weapons of war.

> Listen I don't like the ring of it either but we need less engineers building adtech and more engineers building drones and bombs.

The US is the largest weapons manufacturer already with the largest military-industrial complex. How many more drones and bombs do we need?

> All of our rivals have absolutely no qualms about using AI or other advanced technology to build weapons of war.

You act like we do.

Doesn't the US already spend more on military than all our rivals and allies combined?

We need a lot more. Actual US manufacturing capacity is very low. We can't even supply Ukraine with enough regular artillery shells


The Navy's fleet is actually shrinking because we lack shipyard capacity, and can't even maintain the ships we already have.


There is like the middle ground of both don't do ads and don't do war, too.

Unfortunately, our enemies also get a vote. Perhaps you can convince them not to do war? Because telling them not to hasn't worked.


That is not an example of "don't do war" policy of the Biden admin going horribly wrong. Rather the opposite.

Is there no third option here?

Regardless of what side you are on the "warfighting software good" or "warfighting software bad" spectrum, what we really need as an industry is more individual software engineers questioning and judging the ethics of the use cases they are supporting with their software. Too many techies just want a "challenging problem" to work on, and as long as the technical problems are complex and challenging, that's where their judgment ends. We should be more willing to look at the end uses of our creations and refuse to work on things that go against our own ethics.

I have quit a job where I knew that my software was going to be used by the military and law enforcement in order to target people, among other reasons. Yes, I am lucky and privileged to be in a financial position where I am free to up and quit a company, but I'd like to think that even if I weren't I'd do the right thing and refuse.

> we need less engineers building adtech and more engineers building drones and bombs.

Nope. I'll be doing neither.

So our options are either "consume consume consume" or "kamikaze drones".

We're fucked...

Fascism won

Congrats to Mitchell and all others involved.

Not a bad place to end up after automating class sign-up at UW!

Liz might be his SO?

I would wager that Liz is the female author's younger sister. In the calendar period, the author turns 32 and has an 8th wedding anniversary, meanwhile Liz graduates with a 4.0 GPA.

Second guess: Liz is female author's father's second wife. Ailing, but finishing college as an older student.

Absolutely nothing about the content, lettering, or drawing suggests a male author to me. FWIW!

1984-01-21 is "sixth anniversary of introduction to Liz". Doesn't sound like sister.

Hm, I missed that one.

Maybe Liz is her younger half-sister from a temporarily estranged parent. :)

I realize I'm plumbing the depths of statistical likelihood to support my intuition of a female author.

Two other things occur to me. In the 1980s, there was a wider variety of what was considered "ordinary" in the expression of stereotypical male traits within gendered males. It was much less expected for any in the gamut to follow a non-stereotypical path, of course, and for better or worse.

But more directly relevant, the author is "anonymous" but certainly not "unknown", so it probably makes sense to assume that the auction house / article writer got it right in the first place!

1987-05-05 is "8th wedding anniversary".

So the author was introduced to Liz on 1978-01-21, and married someone on 1979-05-05. It's possible that's Liz, but that's fairly quick, even for the 70s.

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