I bought an M1 Max with 64gb of ram at release. I'm still not sure what will get me to replace it other than it simply breaking. Maybe an M5 will finally make me want to buy something new. I'm debating getting a cheaper Air and maybe a base Ultra now that I do most of my heavy work at a desk.
Would one of you, who is familiar with this topic, help me understand the primary use case(s) along with a few words, just your overall take on these techniques?
It’s the fundamentals that underly Stable Diffusion, Dalle, and various other SOTA image generation models, video, and audio generation models. They’ve also started taking off in the field of robotics control [1]. These models are trained to incrementally nudge samples of pure noise onto the distributions of their training data. Because they’re trained on noised versions of the training set, the models are able to better explore, navigate, and make use of the regions near the true data distribution in the denoising process. One of the biggest issues with GANs is a thing called “mode collapse” [2].
I was asking the other commenter (what) why he felt free to dismiss your definition on accessibility as a revision, while at the same time asking us to abide by his arbitrarily decided definition as the one true definition.
I fully think that accessibility is impossible without freedom to use all possible functionality.
That was solid. Nice way to handle a direct personal judgement!
Not your first rodeo.
Another way is to avoid absolutes and ultimatums as aggressively as one should avoid personal judgements.
Better phrased as: "we did our best to prevent this scenario from happening again.
Fact is it just could happen! Nobody likes that reality, and overall when we think about all this stuff, networked computing is a sad state of affairs..
Best to just be 100 percent real about it all, if you ask me.
At the very least people won't nail you on little things, which leaves you something you may trade on when a big thing happens.
And yeah, this is unsolicited and worth exactly what you paid. Was just sharing where I ended up on these things in case it helps
I have memories way back. Not quite infant, but somewhere between 1 and 2 years old, I started to string it together.
One trigger was fear of sleep. How do I know I wake up the same person? Seems silly right? Well, past me without a whole lot of experience was really concerned. I can remember a ton after that time.
What I find really interesting is both of us made some active choice to remember. Like we ended up with self awareness really early.
For me, it was mostly about unanswered questions. I have memories that are strongest from that time:
One was flicking the spring in my crib. Swoosh doing, doing, da,da,doing! That is me earliest one.
Why does it bounce like that? And the noise! If I flick one today, on one of those
Another was a trip to the neighbors. Their kid was named Cash. That is what we call money! WTF is with that?
Cash took me to play down stairs and they had a ton of nice stuff down there. Fencing for a ring of thieves. I recalled enough to nail them many years later to which my mom confessed they moved to get away from those people. Lol.
Another was this big bee. I looked at it and bet I was faster and stomped! Ouweeeee! The need died, but also totally stung me. Was not faster. Ugh. Boy, I can recall our porch, welcome mat, bright clear summer day, that bee and my foot going down.
I have more. Turning on the TV was vivid. Old tube one made noises as it came up. And smells. I recall it like it was yesterday.
Anything intriguing and I go into record mode. Everything about that time gets saved. Where I was who I was with, happenings...
I was afraid I might forget and never learn the thing one learns on one of those.
I still do it. Not as often now due to experience, but if it is really new to me, I will feel that switch and off it goes.
My M1 still holds right up! It is the smallest RAM model, and even that is not the end of things.