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You might want to look at Coping Strategies for the Serial Project Hoarder [0]. It's a blog post by Simon Willison who maintains a lot of projects. Even if you have only one, I think his strategies apply well to making progress regardless of whether you can work on your project everyday, or only once every couple of weekends.

That page also made it to HN in 2022 [1].

[0] https://simonwillison.net/2022/Nov/26/productivity/

[1] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=33762438

Edit: add HN link.

I'd guess the GGP meant all of the root nodes together on one level and all of the tail nodes together on another, but single level. At least that's what makes sense to me.

This seems like it could be done in a little script in the graphviz gvpr processor.

Someone could implement this as a feature in graphviz. It might take a day to implement.

There are probably other "solutions" that already handle this more gracefully, but otherwise don't have a very complete set of features relative to graphviz.

It's reasonable (and constructive) for you to complain, but your "issue" is representative of a wide set of "issues" we've seen, and the real problem is we're just a little unimportant niche service and all this work is being done by volunteers and they mainly work on the things they know how to do.

I was thinking perhaps they want them both aligned to one side of the drawing. So for example if the direction goes from left to right, then the start and end nodes might need to be at the top.

If your goal is to replace rubber tires, then how about going whole hog and turn the entire road system into a railway system? Tires made of steel, parallel tracks, lots of switching, perhaps regional control systems to guide computerized vehicles along the fastest route keeping safe distances between cars, and cars that automatically link and unlink to create dynamic trains along shared routes. I think that would be a very cool system (although outrageously expensive to realize).

I wonder if it was pushed anywhere that didn't crash, as an extension of "It works on my machine. Ship it!"

I've built a couple of kernel drivers over the years and what I know is that ".sys" files are to the kernel as ".dll" files are to user-space programs in that the ones with code in them run only after they are loaded and a desired function is run (assuming boilerplate initialization code is good).

I've never made a data-only .sys file, but I don't see why someone couldn't. In that case, I'd guess that no one ever checked it was correct, and the service/program that loads it didn't do any verification either -- why would it, the developers of said service/program would tend to trust their own data .sys file would be valid, never thinking they'd release a broken file or consider that files sometimes get corrupted -- another failure mode waiting to happen on some unfortunate soul's computer.

The file extension is `sys` by convention, it's nothing magical to it and it's not handled in any special way by the OS. In the case of CrowdStrike, there seems to be some confusion as to why they use this file extension since it's only supposed to be a config/data file to be used by the real kernel driver.

Thanks. I understand that '.sys' is a naming convention. I'd guess that they used it because those config/data files are used by their kernel driver, and so makes kernel vs user-space files easier to distinguish.

In the end, it's a life-long process.

Thanks for sharing. This is an impressive tool. Well done!

Would you mind sharing a little about your workflow? 528 commits over 40 workdays seems like a lot of work that must have been well organized. I'd guess each commit is a small amount of work on a focused aspect of the program. If that's so, did you have clear goals for what you wanted to achieve, break down the work ahead of time, or plan out what you wanted to change/add?

As far as individual commits, you can see the scope yourself: https://github.com/kjk/edna/commits/main/

Yes, I like to work in relatively small, but logical, commits.

Yes, I did have clear goals in mind. I knew I wanted multiple notes, storing notes on disk, command palette, encryption etc.

I was writing the app for myself and using it every day, which helps with motivation and knowing what to do next.

There were also changes based on usage. For example, I've added a top nav bar but occasionally it would obscure the text so I made it hidden when typing.

One of the uses of Edna is keeping track of what I want to do next.

I have a note for each project, including Edna, and I keep a list of ideas there, sorted by the most important things at the top.

That way I can jump start the day quickly by looking at that note and picking one of the items to implement.

I found your blog and your diary of a solo developer building a web app [0]. Maybe the answers to my questions are there. Thanks for this, too.

[0]: https://blog.kowalczyk.info/article/30da6655040f47e693f8e66e...

Yeah, that was for a different project that I no longer work on.

Well, isn't it by definition that the likelihood of a Fat Chance is slim?

Thanks for that link. The comments there help a lot. If I understand them, this is a minimal implementation of K with a lot of limitations, such as:

"the only supported atom/vector type is 8bit integer, so beware of overflows"

Still, it's fascinating how an interpreter can be written with such a small amount of code.

An interpreter for BLC, including tokenizing, parsing, and evaluation, can be written in as few as 29 bytes of BLC (and 650 bytes of C).

John, do tell more about BLC please!

There's more at http://tromp.github.io/cl/cl.html including the LispNYC talk I gave last year.

Thank you!

I like the idea of participating, but when I made my little Hugo-based blog I also liked the idea of presenting equations. Is there any way to do that without MathJax, KaTeX, or similar libraries?

If you use a font that supports OpenType maths, you can just put MathML in your HTML and modern browsers will render it.

MathML can be generated from LaTeX with pandoc or latexml.

MathML seems to be forgotten. I don't recommend writing it by hand, but you don't need any JS to present it.

Are `<img>`, SVG, and fonts not enough?

Thanks, but I have no idea. I never tried generating SVG from LaTeX. Others suggested MathML, some tools, and OpenType math fonts, so I'm going to try that route first.

Thanks folks. Your replies are very helpful. I'll take a look at MathML, pandoc, and LaTeXML. Writing MathML from scratch looks tedious, but pandoc and/or LaTeXML might be just the thing to make a conversion easy.

KaTeX supports server side rendering to an html string. If you do this, the client only needs to load the css component of katex, and not the js component.

I believe MathJax has a similar capability.

I've used Everything for many years. It would be nice if it were FOSS. Still, it's always been fast and reliable for me.

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