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Hacker News has a "second-chance pool" [1] which I would wager was the likely path for the submission

[1] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=26998308

Sometimes I get emails when my submissions qualify for the second-chance pool. Other times it just pops up. It is confusing how the time-stamp for the submission (which I think gets reset) and the comments (which at least sometimes do not) end up looking.

I suspect this is the one you're thinking of: https://3dbook.xyz/

It has popped up a few times on HN in its various stages of development.

You can use the .local, .localhost, .example, and .test TLDs for local domains -- these are IANA reserved: https://www.iana.org/assignments/special-use-domain-names/sp...

Only .localhost, .example, .test, and .invalid are reserved for those purposes: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc2606. .local is reserved, but for mDNS usage.

.local is used for mDNS these days, don't use it if your network has Apple devices.

> don't use it if your network has Apple devices.

As of now, but something about IPv6 also forced Microsoft to implement this, and some Linux distros also does this in CUPS (I know it's Apple...)

not just Apple devices, you'll find mDNS resolvers on many setups. Overrides in the hosts file might be fine, but still, I'd avoid it.

In Chrome you can get the event listeners for a given element by selecting/highlighting it in the Elements tab, then jumping across to the Console tab, you use:

getEventListeners is a Chrome console/devtools only function and $0 is a console placeholder variable for the currently selected element.

It's definitely not the nicest way to find things and you often end up running into the minified/uglified madness when delving deeper, but sometimes it helps do the trick.

If you're looking for things in the way of tutorials, gamedev.net is generally a fairly good resource and they've also got a lot of articles/posts written on some more in-depth or interesting technical items:


Another great way is just to browse through some open source games and just see how they're written and work. The OS Game Clones website is a good starting point for something in this realm as you can look through clones of games (sometimes even the original source the author has released) you may already be familiar with:


Thanks, OS games clones seems interesting. Taking a look now.

The Expectant Father – was split up in such a way that once a month, I was reading the relevant chapter to keep up with my partner's pregnancy and all the things I need to/should know along the way. Was well worth it for me... there were many things in there that I wouldn't have otherwise been aware of that I think have made the journey a lot smoother (and less mysterious) for me.

One Hundred Poets, One Poem Each – a compilation of Japanese poetry from ~800 years ago. The variety of poems in this were a great read and although the English translations can't replicate the originals perfectly, the translator's notes that go with them in the edition I own described the original techniques and wordplay used and it a lot of it is thoroughly impressive.

The following sites/marketplaces have a mix of SaaS sites, content sites, and affiliate sites. These are all generally higher value sites/businesses for sale (think 50k and up for many) and are often for sale at high yearly multiples.





If you're considering lower value businesses to purchase, these two will primarily have sites/businesses for sale for under 50k, but often considerably less than (eg. 1-5k):



As with all things, whatever you're considering buying from any of these sources, you're going to want to do your due diligence to make sure everything is above board.


There's an existing shared piano site that does _similar_ to as you've described, but only utilises a 2D model. It might be give you some ideas or some things to consider to include/leave out of yours: https://www.multiplayerpiano.com/

I wanted to play around with websockets last year, so I started out by building out a prototype multiuser whiteboard in a few hours one weekend. From that, I decided it'd be cool to turn it into a game, so I built out a drawing/guessing game from there and got it up on a domain I'd been sitting on for a while (https://www.multiplayer.com.au/)

It's got some mild polish on it now, but there's still a lot of scenarios where disconnects/reconnects or generally unexpected behaviour can break the current game room. One of my goals this year is to address all the remaining bugs, add some more UI polish, then look into working on bots to seed a single game room because right now if you land on the game and no one else playing, you're met with a "please wait for another player to join" screen. This essentially means that it's BYO friends for the most part right now.

Later in the year when the current game has been fully-baked, I'm sure I'll come up with some other random idea to try and it'll end up as another half-baked game to put up there.

Playing it right now, this isn't nearly half-baked, it's amazing and super fun!

Thanks! It's definitely playable, but there's still a lot of room for improvement and a few pesky bugs that you definitely notice the longer you play.

For example, only shortly after I posted here and all the current players had guessed correctly except for one person, then that person left, the game waited the extra 60 seconds for the round to time out instead of immediately because everyone left had answered it.

Then there's things like the scoring system, game-generated hints, and all that little stuff that needs definite improvement... they mostly work at the moment, but they're, well... crap haha

I started building a multiplayer drawing/guessing game (https://www.multiplayer.com.au/) last year that I plan to get back to working on this year to "finish" it.

It definitely needs to be polished up in terms of both the UX and the tech as I took a lot of shortcuts as it originally started as a 4-hour project just to see if I could build something with canvas and websockets, which eventually turned into a game format rather than a freeform whiteboard after a number of evenings spent on it.

Given that I'm now more comfortable with websockets, I also want to try my hand at a few different style casual games and hopefully be able to get to a point where people can jump from game to game on the site as a group.

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