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This describes me as well. With the exception of J-pop/anime music, almost all the music I listen to is classical or soundtracks. I connect deeply with the instrumentation, melodies, harmonies, and rhythms far more than the lyrics, which is why I don't especially enjoy rap and am terrible at karaoke.

Go already supports an indirection layer, commonly known as vanity URLs. It works by making a request to a domain owned by the project and parsing a meta tag in the response that points to the actual repository location. Of course, the problem is that few projects bother to set this up.

Go also provides a replace directive in the go.mod file [0].

[0] https://go.dev/ref/mod#go-mod-file-replace

That's a nifty option! In (neo)vim, I like to use the ZZ keybinding to quickly save if modified and then quit. If I want to abort the commit, I'll type ZQ to discard changes and quit.

Ya, it's somewhat surprising that ZZ isn't the binding that is burned into people's minds instead of :wq<cr>. I've even met regular vim users who don't know ZZ which, to be a bit hyperbolic, is mindboggling.

EDIT: And of course there is vim -y to make vim behave more like a "normal" editor than even nano :D (ie, you get ctrl-s and ctrl-q).

For me, it's because when I learned BSD 4.2 vi in the mid-80s the emphasis was on learning the decomposed commands then building up. If you learned w and q , wq is obvious and non-magical.

Certainly a fair point!

I've been using vi variants for decades and didn't know ZZ or ZQ. This solves a major pain point for me (mis-typing :q, trying again, now I'm off in the weeds).

ZZ is particularly nice since it sorta "does the right thing" in that if you have an unwritten empty buffer, it will silently discard it and quit. I guess I haven't really run into this as I was taught ZZ from the beginning but I imagine hitting :wq<cr> on such a buffer is pretty annoying.

The worst part is q: is a different command. so if you are trying to :q and miss the colon and try again, you run some other damn f*cking command.

Oh I still do that often enough, lol.

Huh, I didn’t think of ZQ (to leave an empty commit message) to cancel the commit. I always use :cq (which exits vim with an error status)

If you are in `git commit --amend` or am/rebase/cherry-pick, the message did not start empty, and using ZQ will proceed with committing. :cq is a good idea.

Not all people who subscribe to the definition of marriage as put forth in the Defense of Marriage Act also believe that gay people are subhuman animals.

I keep Crunchyroll and Hidive for anime, but I've canceled all other streaming services. They just don't have any content I'm interested in anymore.

I agree, with a good modern dishwasher. My parents have a wonderful Bosch dishwasher that is quiet, efficient, and most importantly, can handle anything you throw at it. Conversely, the dishwasher at my apartment is junk; I have to rinse and scrub dishes before putting them in the dishwasher or they won't come out clean.

It's called Responsive Design Mode, and it's the third button from the the right on the top bar. Even better, use the shortcut Ctrl-Shift-M, which works even when devtools is closed.

Chrome is inferior here in this area.

Because you can activate mobile view in Firefox WITHOUT devtools opened, but in Chrome that's impossible.

Lot of times I hated this at Chrome.

Also, that shortcut in Firefox will immediately give you mobile view, and in Chrome not as you first need to type shortcut for Devtools.

Thanks for the excellent explanation!

I was specifically looking for this comment. Sites like these are a breath of fresh air in the world of bloated SPAs.

Cooking may be an art in one sense of the word, but it generally does not communicate a message. Neither does an off-the-shelf cake from a bakery. A custom wedding cake iced with a message, however, is protected speech.

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