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We have this already. As a species we are susceptible to many diseases which we have to take vaccines for, every generation.

I don't think susceptibility to viral diseases like measles is typically regarded as a genetic defect, is it? Any more than being flammable is a genetic defect, anyway.

There are a few people who are genetically immune to HIV, but it's quite rare. Whether everyone else is therefore genetically deficient is sort of a matter of perspective, I suppose.


Agreed. The purpose of nature isn’t to fix human follies. Its habitat.

Inferior forests are better than no forests.

You don’t have to take an empty field and plant 100k trees. You can go to where chestnuts used to grow, have some volunteers plant some over time, say 100 every month in an area. Over the course of 10 years, we’ll get some data.

Don’t let great be the enemy of good.

Ouch. I went to a similar school I suppose, UIUC and never had that experience.

I once presented the most optimal solution, so I was tasked with presenting it to the class, but I wasn’t put down for it.

My wife is a tall statuesque blonde. In her late 40’s, she still gets hit on by guys 30+.

Granted, she used to get hit on by guys 18+.

I’m a father and can tell you yes, there is stress, but when I look at life without children, I see mostly lives of temporary self indulgence.

Parties, skiing, Hawaii, toys, consoles, cars, motorcycles, vacation homes, etc.

Over time, most people I know grow tired of them. They have more friends yes, but even my friends know their “good time friends” wouldn’t stick around through hardship.

Kids aren’t the only way for sure. There are plenty of causes, but they are one thing that lasts longer than a few product cycles.

A few things for when applying for jobs-

* use a dedicated gmail * use a dedicated google voice number * have your PDF resume up to date, maybe a few versions of it for different types of jobs * keep a formatted text version of it as well for those horrible text boxes

i have found the recent crop of SotA LLMs to be extremely useful for the latter few tasks you mentioned. Give it my full, comprehensive CV, as well as a prospective job description, then ask "tailor a condensed resume from the info in my CV to match this job description."

Of course you'll want to review and edit, but it's taken a huge amount of drudgery out of the process, for which I am grateful.

I hate writing job applications, so even if LLMs aren't good enough yet, at least they are a start.

This gives you some structure to start with.

GE Cafe

Just got one of those with a double oven and induction, great so far.

No, just don’t spread lies about people publicly.

Don’t participate in the economic ruin of someone just because of some jilted party

This is common sense, not only from the ethical perspective but for the legal one also.

Generally yes. It’s code for elective abortion.

Yes, there is the situation where conservatives try to get around open loopholes by saying “no abortion whatsoever” because liberals are always crying “but what about when the mother’s life is in danger?”. We all know what’s really going on.

Abortions happen people are careless or products fail. Americans can be quite careless in their use of contraceptives. I’ve seen it first hand.

Very few people use abortion as a primary method of birth control. It’s - if condoms fail, or she forgets to take her pill, or was raped, having to raise a whole child is a pretty massive consequence.

Personally, if I lived in Texas, I wouldn’t move either. I’d just get on a cheap flight out of state and get the abortion.

There are other things too though when conservative ideologies take over, two of them being the introduction of covert biblical teachings in public schools (teaching the “current debate” between creationism and evolution ) and a general dismissal of environmental stewardship.

>Personally, if I lived in Texas, I wouldn’t move either. I’d just get on a cheap flight out of state and get the abortion.

They're trying to make that illegal too. They've already made it law in a couple of states (and are in a court case on whether it's constitutional), IIRC.

And if you can't afford a plane ticket then anyone who provides financial assistance or provides transportation themselves for the express purpose of getting an abortion, well they're accessories to the abortion too.

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