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You don't have to run the web interface on the server.

You can use Cockpit Client (from flathub) to connect with SSH.

Dolphin has "selection mode" for a while now. I like that in combination with single click open.


Steam fractional scaling should work since their big UI update a few months ago. Try launching Steam with this environment variable: STEAM_FORCE_DESKTOPUI_SCALING=1.5

Awesome this fixes it!

For those using the Flatpak: sudo flatpak override com.valvesoftware.Steam --env=STEAM_FORCE_DESKTOPUI_SCALING=1.5

It's the same. They dropped the "Next" some time ago.

Which compositor are you using?

If it's Gnome, the very recent release 45 has improvements running the cursor in a separate thread.

I personally run KDE and agree that you can feel a difference between the X11 and Wayland session but it's not terrible.

For Spotify Connect on a headless Pi I can recommend Raspotify:


With GTK you can at least drag the window by grabbing controls in the titlebar.

I set a 10 second timeout for systemd-boot so I don't need to button mash to hit the narrow window of the UEFI bootloader.

Another useful feature would be editing kernel parameters for troubleshooting. Not sure if systemd-boot can do that but GRUB can.

> Do they still restrict nonfree audio/video codecs?

Yes they do. If you don't like to use RPMfusion you could use something like the mpv flatpak from flathub that has all codecs bundled.

The in-app browsers could use a domain whitelist if parental controls are turned on.

Shouldn't an in-app browser whose sole purpose is to read an app EULA/TOC/etc. always employ a domain whitelist, regardless of parental controls?

It shouldn't be a parental controls thing for IG, it just needs to be made so when you're using an in-app browser, you're using it for one reason, whatever site you clicked on. Leaving the domain ends the process or opens in another browser.

That could be an "easy" fix where you could disable use of in-app browsers through Screen Time options.

The OS should apply a domain whitelist to apps, in coordination with the app developer and the device "owner". (Like uBlock Matrix)

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